Communication Research Centre

The Communication Research Centre was established in December 2013 under the Centre of Excellence within the body of the Near East University in order to bring an academic perspective to many issues/problems on the basis of communication and to create a scientific resource with its publications.

The Communication Research Centre aims to evaluate the current situation and research resources, create archives, interpret them, and present scientific analysis/recommendations/results in studies on national and international platforms.

In the field of communication, one of the objectives of the Communication Research Centre is to develop academic approaches and new solutions to international communication-oriented problems, especially in the TRNC. In line with this purpose, the centre supports and monitors the realization of national and international research projects.

At the Communication Research Centre, which has a large and qualified staff formed of NEU Faculty of Communication academic staff, research assistants and graduate-doctorate students, a free discussion environment is created, research proposals are developed, suggestions are evaluated, the progress of the studies is followed and the scientific reports are shared in appropriate environments.