European Award For Best Practices 2013 to be granted to Hospital of Near East University in Vienna
Business Excellence Award of Worldcob goes to Hospital of NEU in Dubai
Golden Reward, Rome
The Success of NEU Hospital received a standing ovation in Switzerland
Golden Reward, Geneva
Majestic Five Continents Award for Quality and Excellence is NEU
Dr. Suat Günsel, the Founding Rector of Near East University, received the 2013 Socrates Award
The International Arch of Europe Gold Quality Award, Germany
United Europe Award, 2014
Anglo-Turkish Healthcare Professionals Association (ATHPA)
Hospital of Near East University granted Quality Award at American Health Congress
Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel,Chairman of Board of Trustees of Near East University received the “Best University Award in Golden Category of 2013”
Europe International Quality Award
International Innovation Award, 2014, Paris
Best Quality Award, USA