Knowledge Management Research Centre of Near East University (NEU-KMRC)
Board of Directors Members
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Şevki KIRALP
    (NEU-KMRC  Deputy)
  • Prof. Dr. Şerife Zihni EYÜPOĞLU
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member)
  • Behiye Tüzel Çavuşoğlu
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member)
  • Umure ÖRS
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member)
  • Gökhan ŞENGÖR
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member)
  • Ceyhan ÖZYILDIZ
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member)
  • Ayşe OKTAN
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member)
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member, Turkey Representative)
  • Ahmet Aldanmaz
    (NEU-KMRC  Board of Directors Member, Ankara Representative)
Aims and Objectives
  • To conduct research related to all science and application fields of Information Management in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields;
  • To provide effective solutions based on scientific research and practice to all kinds of knowledge management problems of all science and practice fields and their applications in the public and private sectors;
  • To develop various methods and tools for the implementation of affordable knowledge management programs and systems across various sectors, organizations and communities;
  • To be actively involved in all science and practice fields, knowledge management, various research activities, research projects and publish research results;
  • To publish articles about the knowledge management of all science and application fields;
  • To organize various meetings, seminars and training activities for information management related problems and requirements of all science and application fields and all sectors;
  • To undertake professional services and consultancy related to information management in all sectors and fields including public enterprises, private enterprises, health, aviation, education, transportation, law, media, agriculture and defence;
  • To establish relations and collaborate with other international 'good practice centres’ around the world while performing 'education-training', 'research-development' and 'professional service and consultancy' activities;
  • To contribute to the formation of various Information Management practices and standards in all science and application fields.
Mission / Vision

The Knowledge Management Research Centre aims to provide effective solutions based on scientific research and applications to a wide range of problems related to information management in all science and application fields in the state, public and private sectors, in the light of universal values, by making use of all its systematic knowledge; it takes responsible for 'education-teaching', 'research-development' and 'professional service and consultancy' needs to optimally meet requirements.

The Centre is fully institutionalised with its flexible structuring, creative, innovative and highly qualified team who focus on quality, and carries out 'education-teaching', 'research-development' in all science and application fields, effectively and efficiently at international standards. The centre also works as a transparent, participatory and respected authority that performs 'professional service and consultancy' activities and sets standards.

  • Quality,
  • Accuracy,
  • Reliability,
  • Remaining up-to-date
  • Professional specialisation,
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Respecting global values
  • Impartiality and transparency,
  • Confidentiality in personal data,
  • Respect for information providers and users,
  • Active participation,
  • Accountability,
  • Accessibility,
Research Fields

The Knowledge Management Research Centre recognises knowledge management and all the issues around it as a field of research and application regarding all fields of science and practice and their applications in the government, public and private sectors. In this context, the following can be listed among the basic 'Research and Application Areas' of the Knowledge Management Research Centre, which are general but comprehensive:

  • Knowledge management in health sciences and practice
  • Knowledge management in the fields of science and practice
  • Knowledge management in social sciences and applications
  • Knowledge management in educational sciences and application areas
  • Knowledge management in all areas of arts and culture
Scientific Activities
  • Artificial Intelligence in Management
  • NEU-KMRC trained “Strategic Intelligence” Candidates providing Certificates of Participation and Certificates of Achievement in its First Scientific Event