The third book in the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” series, published by Near East University Culture Publications, was introduced at the Business Women’s Association with the participation of President Ersin Tatar
Date Added: 24 March 2022, 23:26
Last Updated Date:25 March 2022, 08:42

The third book in the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” series, published by Near East University Culture Publications, was introduced at the Business Women’s Association with the participation of President Ersin Tatar.

The launch of the third book of the Jewels of Northern Cyprus ​​series, in which the life story of Işın Ramadan Cemil’s meets the reader from the pen of Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt, was held at the Business Women’s Association with the participation of President Ersin Tatar.

The launch of the third book in the Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus series, published by the Near East University Culture Publications, was held at the Business Women’s Association with the participation of President Ersin Tatar. The book written by University of Kyrenia Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt brings together the inspiring life story of Turkish Cypriot businesswoman Işın Ramadan Cemil with the reader.

Selin Candemir, President of the Business Women’s Association, made the opening speech of the book about the life story of Işın Ramadan Cemil, one of the founding members of the Business Women’s Association and the owner of the honor award of the association. Following the author of the book Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt, Işın Ramadan Cemil and President Ersin Tatar also addressed the guests.

After the speeches, Assist. Prof. Mutlu Soykurt and Işın Ramadan Cemil also signed the third book of the Jewels of Northern Cyprus ​​series. The first signed book was presented to President Tatar.

President Ersin Tatar: “Işın Ramadan Cemil has been one of the best examples of what the Turkish Cypriot woman has achieved and can do in this country.”
Starting by thanking Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt, President Ersin Tatar said that he had the honor of getting to know Işın Ramadan Cemil and his family at a young age and that he remembers many memories when he looks back. President Tatar said, “When I think of Işın Ramadan Cemil, I remember Biskobu, Paramal, Limassol, the food I eat at home, happy days, sad days… Then comes migrations and pains. Now, the pride of having a state like the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus comes to my mind.”

President Ersin Tatar said: ““Işın Ramadan Cemil has gone through all these times; she became a diplomat, a good mother, a leader, managed a large company, led the society, undersigned important social responsibility projects, and became one of the best examples of what the Turkish Cypriot woman has achieved and can do in this country”. I wish this book to be beneficial. So glad we have you, so glad we are fighting together against the struggles, so glad you set an example for our young women.”

Işın Ramadan Cemil: “Mutlu Soykurt writes the book series in which she tells life stories, by distilling the traces of experiences.”
Işın Ramadan Cemil shared her feelings about the third book of the Jewels of Northern Cyprus ​​series, which is about her life story. Thanking Mutlu Soykurt, said “Mutlu Soykurt, writes the book series in which she tells life stories, by distilling the traces of experiences. While doing this, she arouses the interest of the readers about the periods in Cyprus and how the events affected people’s daily lives.”

Işın Ramadan Cemil said, “While reading the book; you will dream the feeling of suddenly confronting the fear of EOKA as an eight-year-old child who lived in a city where religion, language and class were not distinguished and saws all people as full of love; that she entered the house by jumping over the blood of his elderly neighbors; even children began to see their friends as enemies; how she got to her boarding school from Nicosia Airport to Beirut, from there to Ankara and then to Istanbul, hand in hand with her 11-year-old brother when she was 14; when she missed her home so much, she was unable to reach her home even by phone; when she was short of money, how she had to make her life with what she had; how she adapted from a closed society to a metropolis like Istanbul; how she witnessed the most violent brogher fights in the years of Civil Service in the 1970s; how she and her family settled in Kyrenia as homeless immigrants after 1974; You will also imagine between the lines how she transitioned to a new life with both the support and burden of his grandmother, grandfather, mother and their employees as a result of the loss of his father while entering the diplomatic life.”

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt: “We will continue to bring you the life stories of people who have added value to the Turkish Cypriot Community with the Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus book series.”
Speaking at the promotion and signing day of the third book of the Jewels of Northern Cyprus ​​series, which she wrote, University of Kyrenia Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt thanked the Business Women’s Association, of which she is an honorary member, for hosting the event. “I was accepted as an honorary member in 2021 to the Business Women’s Association, where our paths have crossed periodically with project development and training topics since 2015. In this process, I am very happy and proud to have had the chance to observe how they develop and show solidarity and progress by taking care of society, women and each other, and to be involved in the process.” Assist. Prof. Dr. Soykurt continued his speech by defining the word “Jewel”, which gave name to the book series.

Stating that the word “jewel” means “the importance attributed to an object, asset or activity very precious, individually and socially”, Assist. Prof. Dr. Soykurt said, “Values ​​are facts that can be taught and learned. People are not born knowing values. We learn how we should behave in which situation, from the adult members of the society we live in or from our peers. Since we have schools that bring peers together, I must state that values ​​are first and foremost an educational issue. However, this education is not just about the lessons given in schools. In a way, we can consider the whole society as a school and every person as both a teacher and a student of this school. Reminding that, starting from a young age, we first take our parents as models and then other people we care about as we get older, Assist. Prof. Dr. Soykurt said, “Our values ​​become more permanent when there is community support behind them. Value education, which is formed by the efforts of the individual throughout life and the effect of the environment, starts in the family and continues with the school. Education is concerned with providing the new generation with the right values ​​as the basis for the right actions. If education is a huge building, values ​​are the building blocks that make it up.”

“There are some names that touch the life of a society with their actions and quietly create a great change and inspiration. On the other hand, the stories of the heroes of these steps, which seem small but transform the society by creating big effects, are forgotten in time. I set out with such a project to bring together the stories of these secret heroes, who made great contributions to the culture and life of the Turkish Cypriot Community, with the “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus” book series, which I prepared by considering all ethical values.

Reminding that the first two books of the series are about the life stories of the legendary music teacher Yıldan Birand and one of the symbols of the fight against cancer in the TRNC, Raziye Kocaismail, Assist. Prof. Dr. Soykurt said, “Dear Işın Ramadan Cemil, the hero of my third book, besides being one of the leading businesswomen of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, she played a leading role in the formation of civil society and social responsibility culture in the country.”

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt concluded her speech with the words, “We will continue to bring you the life stories of people who have added value to the Turkish Cypriot Community, with the book series “Jewels ​​of Northern Cyprus”, published in cooperation with Near East University Culture Publications.
Selin Candemir: “While I was flipping through the pages of the book, I felt that I was traveling in a time tunnel with Işın Ramadan Cemil. I believe that everyone who reads the book will experience similar feelings.”

Starting her speech by greeting the guests, Business Women’s Association President Selin Candemir said, “The life story of our very precious businesswoman Işın Ramadan Cemil, which deserves to be celebrated sincerely, was written by our honorary member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Soykurt. Milestones and the experiences that shape her life are included in the book with a very meaningful content.”

“While I was flipping through the pages of the book, I felt that I was traveling in a time tunnel with Işın Ramadan Cemil. I believe that everyone who reads the book will experience similar feelings,” said Candemir, and added, “Every society needs people who will raise its social average value. Idol-qualified people are the most important figures that will create this social value. Işın Ramadan Cemil has all the virtues to become an idol for Turkish Cypriot women.”