Rectors of TRNC universities came together at a meeting hosted by Near East University under the presidency of HEPEACC (YÖDAK)
Date Added: 05 February 2024, 09:33

The “Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board (IACB)” and “Rectors’ Board” meetings, held under the presidency of the Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK), were hosted by Near East University.

Meetings bringing together rectors and representatives of the TRNC universities organized by HEPEACC to coordinate, evaluate and improve the academic activities of universities. In the first meeting of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board, the report prepared by the “Five-Year Development Plan Higher Education Special Committee” and the applications for doctoral equivalence evaluated by the commission examining the equivalence of titles received from abroad were discussed. At the meeting, information was also shared about the general situation of the universities, planned projects and strategic goals for the future. At the Board of Rectors meeting, the “transit visa” agenda was discussed.

Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı: “I believe that our studies will lead to a brighter future for the TRNC higher education.”
Making the opening speech of the meetings, HEPEACC President Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı emphasized the importance of the unity of institutions in the field of education. Stating that each university has different perspectives and suggestions, Prof. Dr. Avcı said, “We started a process to receive suggestions from our universities about the TRNC Higher Education Five-Year Development Plan. We received many suggestions from our universities. Our HEPEACC members also have various opinions. These different perspectives and opinions enrich this process. The purpose of these meetings is to bring higher education representatives and HEPEACC together more effectively, unite under one roof and create the most accurate plan.”

Prof. Dr. Avcı also stated that they created a more effective communication mechanism between the TRNC universities and HEPEACC with the meetings held. Prof. Dr. Turgay Avcı said, “Instead of meeting two or three times a year, our aim is to come together with our members and rectors every month and find solutions to problems more quickly and effectively. I believe that our workstudies will carry the TRNC higher education to a brighter future.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “We were happy to host the meetings of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board and the Board of Rectors.”

Stating that they were delighted to host the meeting, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ emphasized that the TRNC is an educational country and said, “It is extremely important for every university in our country to work together in harmony and coordination to strengthen this quality of our country.” Prof. Şanlıdağ stated that he finds the regular gathering of university rectors in the meetings held under the presidency of HEPEACC extremely beneficial in terms of developing the culture of cooperation. Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said, “We were delighted to host the meetings of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board and the Board of Rectors.”