Organized by the Near East University Rumi Research Institute, “8. “International Celaleddin Rumi Scientific Congress” brought together scientists from 13 countries
Date Added: 19 December 2023, 08:45

The universal teachings of Mevlana, the Turkish mystic and thinker who has been a symbol of tolerance and peace for centuries, shedding light on humanity, were discussed at the “8th International Celaleddin Rumi Scientific Congress” organized by the Near East University Rumi Research Institute on the 750th anniversary of his death.

“8th International Celaleddin Rumi Scientific Congress”, where scientists from the TRNC, Turkey, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq, Egypt and even Brazil participated face to face or online and presented their original papers, themes of peace and justice, individual and social originality, human rights, gender equality, education and training, self-knowledge and life were discussed. 57 papers were presented at the congress held on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî.

At the opening of the congress held at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Undersecretary of Culture at the Ankara Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyed Ghasem Nazemi, Dean of Near East University Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul, Head of Near East University Center of Excellence Prof. Dr. Evren Hıncal and Near East University Rumi Research Institute President Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian made speeches.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt: “It is an honor for us to set out on this intellectual and spiritual journey together, guided by collective wisdom that transcends time and borders.”
Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt in his speech stated that Mevlana’s teachings have always guided us to turn inwards, to unravel the mysteries of existence, to enlightenment through introspection and understanding, and said: “He encourages us to dance in the rhythm of existence, to find solace in the beauty of each passing moment, to surrender to the divine flow of life. The teachings of Mevlana overlap with the teachings of many philosophers about self and existence.”

Explaining that Mevlana’s emphasis on overcoming the ego, letting go of obsessions and the interconnectedness of all beings is compatible with calls for living in an authentic way, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt said, “Mevlana calls us to eliminate borders and divisions by expressing in his own unique way the sense of unity voiced by wise philosophers.” Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, in his speech further said “It is an honor for us to embark on this intellectual and spiritual journey together, guided by collective wisdom that transcends time and borders.”

Dr. Seyed Ghasem Nazemi: “The global interest in this human wonder is an opportunity to present the mystical knowledge of Islam to the world in a new format.”
Undersecretary of Culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ankara Embassy Dr. Seyed Ghasem Nazemi said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the “8th International Celaleddin Rumi Scientific Congress” “Mevlana has a very special place as a poet and mystic in the history of Persian poetry and literature. Numerous works provide a valuable opportunity to identify his intellectual aspects and some of Rumi’s mystical experience is revealed. The global interest in this human wonder is an opportunity to present the mystical knowledge of Islam to the world in a new format.”

“Exploring the inner world is constantly reminded in the works of Mevlana and Sufi poets, and reaching inside is assumed that there is liberation from existence and non-existence, from the present and the past. Achieving inner meaning means going beyond yesterday, today and tomorrow,” said Dr. Seyed Ghasem Nazemi, and added; “Mevlana is the narrator of his situation and poetry is nothing but a means of expression for him, whether in Mesnevi or Gazalyat. Thus, he does not remain in rhyme and order in expressing meaning and escapes the cumbersome rules of the language.”

Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul: “Mevlana spread peace and tolerance to the world and displayed an exemplary stance for humanity by making great sacrifices centuries ago.”
Near East University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul in his speech said, “Mevlevi order is one of the thoughts with the best advice and the most beautiful values in the world. It started with the words: “Mevlana spread peace and tolerance to the world and displayed an exemplary stance for humanity by making great sacrifices centuries ago.”

Reminding Mevlana’s words “Come, no matter who you are, come again”, Prof. Dr. Ali Efdal Özkul said, “We do not discriminate human beings in accordance with their colour, race or nationality. We always share our table, our lap, our hearth. This shows what a tolerant society we are. All of these are the result of a culture that was formed in line with Mevlana’s advice and settled in life.”

Prof. Dr. Evren Hıncal: “Mevlana was not only a poet or scholar, but also a thinker who understood mathematics with its deep meaning.”
Head of the Near East University Center of Excellence, Prof. Dr. Evren Hıncal, started his speech by stating that Research Centers are one of the indispensable elements of universities. Prof. Dr. Evren Hıncal said, “On the occasion of this important event, I would like to talk about our centers operating at Near East University. We work in integrity with the philosophy of gathering, uniting, acting together and unity is strength. Our main goal is to support interdisciplinary studies, contribute to these studies and transform the knowledge in our university into technology.”

Prof. Dr. Evren Hıncal stated that there is a common philosophy between Mevlana and mathematics and said, “Mevlana was not only a poet or scholar, but also a thinker who understood mathematics with its deep meanings. Mevlana’s philosophy of life actually offers a new perspective to understand the mystery of life. The expressions we frequently encounter in Mevlana’s words represent mathematical concepts. The cycles in Mesnevi are similar to the ordering of numbers, and Mevlana expressed the cyclical nature of the universe through these numbers. Mevlana saw mathematics not only as an abstract science, but also as a tool to understand the inner world of man.”

Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian: “We commemorate with respect and mercy the light of wisdom he shed and the blessing of being a perfect, enlightened human being.”
Chairman of the Near East University Rumi Research Institute, who also chaired the “International Celaleddin Rumi Scientific Congress”, Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian said, “On the 750th anniversary of his reunion, the light of wisdom he shed and the blessing of being a perfect, enlightened human being. We commemorate Mevlana with respect and mercy.”

Prof. Dr. Golkarian emphasized that the congress has received much more interest than they expected and said, “Since the first announcement, the acceptance and contribution of people in academic fields and especially those who are closely interested in Mevlana, as well as the abstracts sent from various countries for participation, have exceeded our expectations.”

Prof. Dr. Ghadir Golkarian said, “During the specified period, 115 abstracts were sent by scientists and independent researchers who are experts in their fields from various countries. However, only 57 of these papers were accepted by our referees after taking all aspects into consideration. Accepted papers were evaluated by focusing especially on our university’s activities in the field of education under five main headings according to Times Higher Education criteria. These titles include main themes such as quality education, gender equality, lifestyle and conditions worthy of humanity and society, peace and justice, purposeful life and giving importance to partnership. In addition, the papers will be published in international indexed journals to contribute to the academic field as a permanent research result.”