Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy hosted its first guest researcher from Romania within the scope of the research exchange program initiated in cooperation with the International Federation of Pharmacy Students
Date Added: 24 October 2023, 08:40
Last Updated Date:27 October 2023, 08:52

Within the scope of the research exchange program initiated in cooperation with the International Federation of Pharmacy Students and the Near East University Pharmacy Students Association of Northern Cyprus, Daniela Muranevici from Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, completed his research project under supervision of Prof. Dr. İhsan Çalış from Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy.

Near East University Pharmacy Students Association of Northern Cyprus (NEUPSANC), which brings together students studying at the Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy with pharmacy students from all over the world, hosted its first guest within the scope of the student exchange program launched in cooperation with the International Pharmacy Students Federation (IPSF).

Daniela Muranevici, a fourth-year pharmacy student at Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, completed her research project at Near East University within the scope of the program, supervised by Prof. Dr. İhsan Çalış, who is among the most important scientists in the world in the field of pharmacognosy and is also the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Near East University. The research project, completed under the supervision of Prof. Dr. İhsan Çalış, took approximately two months.

Pharmacy students from different countries of the world will come to the TRNC and study at Near East University in the coming period, thanks to the student exchange program cooperation protocol made between the Pharmacy Students Association of Northern Cyprus (NEUPSANC), which operates as part of the Dean of Students Office, and the International Pharmacy Students Federation (IPSF). Within the scope of the program, Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy students will also be able to carry out research projects at universities in many countries of the world.

Prof. Dr. Dudu Özkum Yavuz: “While we host students from different countries at our university through international student exchange programs, we also open the doors of the world to our students.”
Emphasizing that the Near East University Pharmacy Students Association of Northern Cyprus makes significant contributions to provide opportunities for the meetings of pharmacy students in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Near East University Dean of Students Office Prof. Dr. Dudu Özkum Yavuz said: “As the Dean of Students Office, we continue to support our students who represent our university and our country in many international organizations. While we host students from different countries at our university through international student exchange programs, we also open the doors of the world to our students.”

Prof. Dr. Dudu Özkum Yavuz also drew attention to the multicultural educational environment of the Near East University Faculty of Pharmacy and congratulated NEUPSANC Student Union Deputy President Tanaka Moses Nyabvure and Exchange Program Manager Tabarek Ahmed Shah and their advisor Assist. Prof. Dr. Duygu Yiğit Hanoğlu, who contributed to the implementation of the exchange program.