4D Radiological Imaging, Diagnosis and Simulated Surgery via the Latest Technological PACS System Starts at Near East University Hospital
Date Added: 14 October 2015, 08:25
Last Updated Date:17 November 2020, 10:53

The Near East University Hospital realizes another breakthrough in technological health services by investing in picture archiving and communication system (PACS), which is the latest medical imaging technology that provides economical storage of radiological data in a common medium and ensures convenient access to images and the associated reports whenever needed. PACS system also provides physicians with opportunity to increase the success rate and quality of operations by conducting simulated surgery in virtual environment prior the operations.

Talking to the Directorate of Press & Public Relations Office of the Near East University, Prof. Dr. Nail Bulakbaşı, Head of the Department of Radiology of NEU Hospital, delivered information on PACS system.

The delivery of quality healthcare requires systems that deliver performance and reliability under all conditions. To this end, the Near East University with its innovative mission is committed to offering the highest quality health services through the latest and most advanced technology. Fujifilm Synapse PACS system, which is the latest, the most advanced and the most comprehensive Web-based medical imaging system, will be in service at the Near East University Hospital soon. Fujifilm's Synapse Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) allows the archiving and distribution of vast amounts of image information from all modalities. Synapse Workstation Software provides viewing and manipulation of radiological data including images, reports, patient status and clinical information. It also provides integrations to clinical applications including Radiology Information System (RIS) and three dimensional processing applications. The system enables the preparations of the assessments and reports in a short time by using the temporal (4D) processing and storage features of the images. Regardless the location and time, the physician can access the patient's data through their tablets, mobile phones, laptops or any other web-based device. Compared to conventional PACS, Fujifilm's Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) allows more comprehensive and detailed applications in the field of Neurology; Cardiology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Urology and Oncology. These applications encompass colonoscopy and bronchoscopy simulation, stent implantation simulation, catheter insertion simulation and advanced vascular analysis and similar applications in virtual environment.

Preoperative Simulation for Heart Surgeries

Fujifilm Synapse PACS system with its catheter insertion simulation feature enables the cardiologist to conduct cardiac catheterization in a virtual environment in order to detect any possible vascular occlusion and identify the possible complications and take all required measures prior to surgery.

Creating 3D printed Titanium Bone

Due to the 3D processing feature of Fujifilm's Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), patient specific three dimensional titanium bone implants can be printed for patients suffering from bone loss.

Simulation Possibility in Tumor Surgery

Especially prior to liver surgery, the exact location of the tumor is detected and all required manipulations with unprecedented accuracy can be simulated in a virtual environment within a short time by means of liver analysis software of the system.

Colonoscopy and bronchoscopy Simulation in Virtual Environment

The system allows the simulation of all tests required for examining the inner lining of the large intestine and the airways and lungs prior to colonoscopy and bronchoscopy procedures.