YODAK visited the Campus of the University of Kyrenia
Date Added: 05 November 2015, 18:28
Last Updated Date:17 November 2020, 10:17

– Projects designed for the completion of the University of Kyrenia Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy for the academic year 2016-2017 have been described in situ.

– Dr. Suat Günsel has put forth the spirit and objectives of the University of Kyrenia

YÖDAK delegation consisting of YÖDAK President Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş and YÖDAK Board Members Prof. Dr. Olgun Çiçek, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Hasgüler, and Prof. Dr. Ahmet Pehlivan toured the campus of the University of Kyrenia.

According to the press statement issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of the University of Kyrenia, YÖDAK delegation was welcomed by Near East University Founding Rector Dr. Suat İ. Günsel, NEU Board of Trustees Chairman Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel, University of Kyrenia Acting Rector Prof. Dr. İlkay Salihoğlu and other authorities. The delegation was provided with detailed information regarding the university campus, ongoing and future-oriented projects as well as the vision of the University of Kyrenia.

During the visit, the YÖDAK delegation was also informed about the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Medicine and the Hospital of the University of Kyrenia that would be brought into service in the academic year 2016-2017. The authorities of the University of Kyrenia stated that they would lay the foundation of the Hospital and the faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy of the University of Kyrenia in a near future and the new facilities would be ready for service at the beginning of the academic year 2016-2017. The authorities underlined that the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Medicine and the Hospital of the University of Kyrenia would be set up on the knowledge accumulation and the infrastructural experience of NEU Faculty of Pharmacy, NEU Faculty of Medicine and NEU Hospital. It was highlighted that the scientific equipment and technical infrastructure of the hospital and faculties, which would begin to offer services with this vision, would be at the most ultimate level and the students would be able to benefit from all scientific and technological possibilities required for their distinguished education and research studies.

The Hospital of University of Kyrenia will be opened in September...

The Hospital of University of Kyrenia, which will be in service in September 2016, will house the departments consisting of Emergency Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Pediatrics, Dermatology and Venereology, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine, Thoracic Diseases, Cardiology, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology, Psychiatry, Sports Medicine, Medical Genetics, Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Neurosurgery, Pediatric Surgery, General Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Medical Pathology, Urology, Orthodontics, Nutrition and Dietetics and latest technology equipped Check-up Center, Blood Bank, laboratories, operating rooms and Hemodialysis Unit. The Hospital of University of Kyrenia, which is being built in the line with standards and criteria set by international bodies, will provide high quality, safe and affordable health services to the people living in Kyrenia and its surroundings.

Dr. Suat Günsel has put forth the spirit and objectives of the University of Kyrenia..

Voicing his satisfaction with the visit of the delegation of YÖDAK, Near East University Founding Rector Dr. Suat İ.Günsel expressed his feelings and delivered information concerning the University of Kyrenia and its objectives. "We consider YÖDAK's visit very important and we feel the happiness of putting forth all our current and future-scheduled projects in situ. Although the University of Kyrenia is a newly established university, it stands out as a rapidly developing and straight-head educational hub since it was established on the legacy of 35 years of knowledge and experience accumulation of the Near East University. As Near East University and University of Kyrenia, we are fully aware how important and valuable the education is for our society and for mankind. We make investments and exert great effort towards providing the highest quality and excellence in education, we provide research-development possibilities and thus we generate source of the dynamics that will take our society forward. As Near East University, we are devoted to continue to invest in the development of higher education under the roof of the University of Kyrenia as well by adding on what we did in 35 years. We are laying the foundation of the Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Kyrenia in a short time and our goal is to realize the opening ceremonies at the beginning of the academic year 2016-2017" said he.

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş: We are proud of what we have seen at the University of Kyrenia towards the field of higher education

Voicing his happiness of visiting the University of Kyrenia, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş, President of the Higher Education Planning, Evaluation Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK), expressed his impressions. "I and the members of YÖDAK are very pleased with today's visit to the University of Kyrenia. We had the opportunity to see the size of investments in situ. We have visited a higher education institution that taken NEU's heritage over and added pluses on it. We are proud of receiving information on the current and future-oriented projects of the University of Kyrenia, which steadily comes up with new projects by further strengthening its existing structure. With its current faculties and projects concerning the establishment of new faculties such as the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy as well as the university hospital, the University of Kyrenia is a source of pride for our country and higher education. Higher education is the most important factor shaping our future and society. We have received great pleasure of seeing the steps taken towards contributing to country's people and the improvement of the quality of higher education. In higher education so far, the existence of the Near East University is obvious. As far as we noticed, the University of Kyrenia reflects NEU's development process as a plus in its vision, improvement and projects. We consider the investments in Kyrenia University as investments made for our country and people” said he.