The structure of the final and resit exams for semesterly common courses and midterm exams for yearly courses (AİT100-101-102, AİT200-103-104, TUR100-101-102, BİL100-101-102, COM100-101-102, İNG100-101-102, ENG100-101-102, YİT100-101-102) has been changed.
Date Added: 04 December 2022, 13:51
Last Updated Date:05 December 2022, 06:18

The exam procedures for the upcoming midterm (for yearly courses) and final/resit exams for common courses will be as follows:

1) The final and re-sit exams for the common courses (mentioned above) will be held between 5.12.22-17.01.23 (both dates included).

2) The students will be able to take the final and the re-sit exam at the allocated times at the labs whenever they feel they are ready to sit for the exams. It is also important that the date and time they have chosen fit their timetable as well.

3) The lab calendar (attached) will be shared on the UZEBIM course pages and on ODK’s webpage (

4) Students need to show their ID/PASSPORTS as they are entering the exam venue. Students who are unable to show the required documents will not be admitted to the exam.

5) Students who do not take the exam at the specified dates will not be allowed to take any make-up exams. Only the exams taken at the specified date, time and the computer lab will be valid.

6) According to the regulations, only the students with an FF can take the re-sit exam.The score of students who take the exam in spite of their passing grade will not be taken into consideration. It is of utmost importance to inform the advisors and students in your departments so that students can complete their exams smoothly. We kindly ask you to make the necessary arrangements and announcements.

The following rules will be applied during exams which will take place in central computer labs:

1- Students are required to show their student ID cards and another ID document (e.g. passport). Students with missing documents will not be allowed into the lab.

2- If students do not have student ID cards, they will have to present a student certificate which can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or the International Student Office.

3- If the central computer lab is full for a given period, the students will be given a queue number for the next period. The queue numbers can only be used in the specific computer lab from which it was obtained. Students will not be allowed to enter exams in a different lab with this queue number.

4- If the central lab will not be available within a given day for a student to take the exam, the students will be able to use their queue number for the next day as the queue will continue from where it left off the previous day. Students will not lose their place in the queue.

5- In case the lab is full, the queue numbers will be valid for the lab where it was obtained from.

6- Students cannot take the exams carrying their mobile/smart phones. Lab assistants and students act sensitively about this issue. It is absolutely forbidden to possess a mobile phone, call device, walkie-talkie, camera, electronic devices that can work as dictionaries and similar devices, mobile/pocket computers and any other device that has a processor on it during the exam. Central computer labs are surveilled via CCTV cameras.

7- Exams will be conducted via Students must check their credentials and access information to this site before they enter the exam. If you experience issues related to accessing the site at the beginning exam, students will be asked to leave the computer lab.

8- Students must check the code of the course for which they will take the exam. Students are fully responsible for entering the correct exam.

9- During the exam, students have to follow all instructions given by the lab assistants and other invigilators. ID information of those who do not follow such guidance or who do not act according to the given rules will be noted down in the exam minutes and their exam will be invalid.

10- If a student leaves the exam room without notifying anyone, he/she will not be allowed to enter the computer lab again.

11- Talking to and asking questions to lab assistants or invigilators is strictly forbidden during exams. Similarly, lab assistants and/or invigilators cannot talk to the students quietly. Central computer labs are surveilled via CCTV cameras.

12- ID information of those who cheat or attempt to cheat in the exam, or allow/assist others to cheat in the exam will be noted down in the exam minutes and their exam will be invalid.

13- Lab assistants or invigilators do not have to warn those who are caught cheating or those who attempt cheating. Students are responsible for their own actions during the exam period. Central computer labs are surveilled via CCTV cameras.

14- Questions and/or options/sections of questions should not be noted down and taken out of the computer lab. Any student who attempts to do this will cause their exam to be invalid. ID information of such students will be noted down in the exam minutes and their exam will be invalid. Central computer labs are surveilled via CCTV cameras.