Studies of the Near East University Teaching Members to Uncover the Perspectives of the Turkish Cypriot Society on Fine Arts published in Education Sciences Magazine
Date Added: 11 July 2018, 17:54
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 13:57

Near East University teaching members Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and Assist. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut's work titled "Opinions of Fine Arts Students on Their Occupations and Their Future Expectations" was published in Education Sciences magazine indexed in the Web of Science.

Atatürk Education Faculty, Department of Turkish Language Teaching member Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and lecturer at the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Assist. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut speaking to the Near East University Press and Public Relations Directorate stated that their study has been published in the Journal of Education Sciences, and that the students studying fine arts in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus have produced considerable outcomes with their thoughts about their professions.

Regarding the subject, it was noted that "Art, as it is known, is a phenomenon that nourishes, develops and carries forward a society in a real sense. The improvement of art education depends primarily on the identification and understanding of the problems and expectations in this area. In this sense, it can be said that the answers given in the research have revealed important consequences."

"Turkish Cypriot Society has negative thoughts on Art Perception"
When we look at the whole of the data obtained without working, it is seen that most of the students share positive opinions about the art education they have taken, and share common ideas about the art development. Besides, it can be said that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus society, in general, has negative thoughts about art perception. When the results are taken into consideration, it is seen that some students who are not satisfied with the art education and some students who are not related to the arts continue their education for different reasons.

Society considers art as an unnecessary activity and something luxerious ...
STEAM education has been developed in accordance with the STEM education which has been used since 2001 in the world and is also applied in developed countries. In addition to science, technology, engineering and mathematics, STEAM education, in which art is also based on this educational model focusing on creative and problem-solving methods, is particularly revealing the importance of art education and art. In North Cyprus, young people who choose to study art because of family desire and who are afraid that they will not be able to find a job after studying arts will get rid of their fears through theSTEAM model state education policy. In this regard, it will be seen that art can be as innovative and economical as other disciplines, thanks to the education model. Because in the new century, states will only be able to protect their economic-political freedoms and developments by using the advantage of interdisciplinary collaboration between science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics in order to determine on an innovative lifestyle. In this sense, awareness on the importance of art in the developing countries will be raised and more attention will be given to art education. For example, in this study, according to the opinions of some students, society thinks that art is an unnecessary thing, and that it is something luxurious, an activity of rich people. This is in fact related to the fact that the state has not adequately supported art and has not been conscious of the society since the past.

People need to be conscious about the importance of art and art education ...
It is clear from this point that the necessity of visualizing, updating and improving the Turkish Cypriot art education policies is obvious. Students who pursue this field study should be more aware of the importance of art education. In art schools more theoretical knowledge should be given and more practice should be provided in areas where students are trained. Students should be more sensitive to arts by putting lessons related to art at different levels of other schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education. People living in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus should be aware of the importance of art and art education.