Seminar focusing on social issues organized for Guide Councellors
Date Added: 13 June 2017, 14:42
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 12:13

A seminar on "Social Issues" organized for the councellors of secondary schools by the Near East University Publicity Office.

According to the information given by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of the Near East University, the seminar was attended by the councellors from the secondary schools in the country. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Çakıcı, Specialist Psychologist Meryem Karaaziz and Specialist Clinical psychologist Ipek Ozsoy made presentations on the subject.

In the seminar organized at Near East University Hospital Hall 101, information was given to the teachers on "Managing Stress", "Mobbing / intimidation" and "Drug Addiction".

It was stated by the Publicity Office of Near East University that the guidance and education programs carried out by the Office aim at supporting mental, physical, social and spiritual development of the students and raise awareness of psychological councilling and guidance teachers on social problems and hold seminars related to innovation in vocational development regarding these issues.