Scientific Research Projects are supported by the Near East University
Date Added: 10 July 2017, 12:30
Last Updated Date:18 December 2020, 09:47

Aiming to make up the lack and enhance the scientific studies in the field of arts, technology, economy, social sciences and culture, SRP Coordination Unit keeps its activity ongoing under the umbrella of the near East university.

In order to make up the lack in the scientific, artistic, technological, economical, social and cultural world of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) as well as to enhance the quality of the scientific studies conducted by relevant units of the universities, the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit that affiliated with the Near East University calls for projects twice a year.

According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of the Near East University, the SRP Coordination Unit had set it as its overriding mission to provide the academic staff with all kinds of infrastructure support required to lead the development of scientific projects that could contribute to science, arts, economy and technology on an universal scale. It was stated that 168 projects that worth 2 million 542 thousand TL had been supported so far.

Projects are precisely evaluated....

SRP Coordination Unit, which deals with scientific projects submitted by faculty members, medical specialists, and researchers with a PhD or researchers who have completed proficiency training in arts, carries out all respective procedures required for the evaluation, the acceptance and the support of the proposed projects. The process also covers all steps regarding the execution of the respective services. The Unit also evaluates the outcomes of the projects and announces them to the public. Besides, the Unit deals primarily with research projects relevant to master's degree, doctoral degree and artistic proficiency thesis.

Prof. Dr. VATANSEVER: "We will continue to support innovative projects...."

SRP Coordination Unit Coordinator Prof. Dr. Seda VATANSEVER indicated that they would continue to foster and support the innovative ideas and those who are capable to produce by using all their possibilities in an effective, economical and efficient way by reflecting all contemporary and scientific developments in their studies.