Regular and quality sleep is essential for a strong immune system that will protect us from covid-19 and upcoming winter diseases!
Date Added: 10 October 2021, 13:10
Last Updated Date:22 November 2021, 17:13

The importance of the immune system once again comes to the fore in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic that we are in and that has infected millions of people. With the approach of winter, flu epidemics await us. Near East University Hospital Chest Diseases Department Specialist Dr. Fadime Tülücü also says that regular and adequate sleep is one of the musts for a strong immune system.

Our body needs sleep both to rest and to renew itself. Immune system cells proliferate and regenerate during sleep. Studies show that long-term sleeplessness causes deterioration in the immune system and causes death in animals due to infections in the body. Poor sleep quality also disrupts blood pressure and sugar balance, reducing the body’s resistance to infections.

Sleep duration should not be less than 5 hours or more than 9 hours
Known as the sleep hormone, melatonin, which is secreted at night and enters the bloodstream without being stored in the body, plays an important role in the regulation of many biological functions. Specialist Dr. Fadime Tülücü explained the importance of night sleep for a strong immune system as follows; “The human brain is programmed to sleep at night and wakefulness during the day. Since the production of melatonin peaks between 23.00 and 02:00 at night, care should be taken to be asleep, especially at these times. It is known that immune cell activation is much higher in people who sleep at night than in people who cannot sleep or sleep up during the day. For this reason, nighttime sleep time should not be less than 5 hours, as less sleep will weaken the immune system and cause more frequent illness. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that sleep lasting more than 9 hours is not beneficial.

Tips for a quality night’s sleep
Specialist Dr. Fadime Tülücü also offers suggestions for a quality night’s sleep; “For a good night’s sleep, it is very important to start the day with sunlight in the morning, to get daylight during the day, and to ensure that your biological clock works correctly. Therefore, avoid sleeping during the day. Make sure to go to bed at the same time every day. Make mind-boggling relaxation methods, such as listening to music before bed, a part of your lifestyle. Exercise during the day. However, avoid doing it before 4-5 hours to sleep time”.

Factors that negatively affect sleep
Regarding the factors that negatively affect sleep at night, Dr. Fadime Tülücü said, “Never and ever go to bed with technological devices. Make sure your bedroom is dim, warm and quiet for sleep. Avoid alcohol and caffeine in the evening. When you can’t fall asleep at night, don’t force yourself to stay in bed. Engage in an activity outside of bed that doesn’t occupy your mind too much, and go back to bed when you’re sleepy. Do not go to bed too hungry or too full.”