Registration to the Short-Term Education and Certificate Programs on Dental Health of Near East University, which will make a difference and raise awareness, has begun…
Date Added: 26 July 2017, 17:34
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 11:58

Near East University Lifelong Education Centre and Faculty of Dentistry is jointly organising short term education and certificate programs which will be running throughout the 2017-2018 Academic Term. These programs are designed in such a way that they will make a difference in those who participate with regards to their careers and raise awareness on communal health.

Near East University Lifelong Education Centre (YABEM) and Near East University Faculty of Dentistry is jointly organising short-term education programs which will be running throughout the 2017-2018 Academic Term for the benefit of current dentists and dentists of the future.

According to the press info release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, the short-term education and certificate programs will be given by specialists and academic staff of the Near East University. The programs are to start on 25th September, 2017 and will be conducted on Near East University campus.

Lifelong Education and Learning Centre programs which will be offered are the following: orthodontics; .hygiene for the people who use prosthesis; aesthetics and tooth whitening; geriatric dentistry; minor operations at the examination venues; the effects of radiation on human body; risk factors and protection from radiation; imaging techniques used in dentistry; dental cone-beam CT; significance and preservation of mother, baby and child mouth health; and false facts about oral hygiene.