New road maps to be shaped for old and new security issues
Date Added: 12 September 2016, 22:39
Last Updated Date:18 December 2020, 16:46

NEU Security Academy to start on 12 November

New Security Issues to be discussed at NEU Security Academy

Near East Institute of the Near East University will held the second of “Security Academy” throughout which various aspects of security issues are discussed in a systematic and dynamic way by specialists specializing on various fields of security issues.

Eski ve Yeni Güvenlik Sorunlarına Çözüm Üretecek Yeni Yol Haritaları Çizilecek

According to a press info released by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of the Near East University, the second of “Security Academy” that will be titled “International Security and Crisis Management / New Security Concepts and Applications” and chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut Koldaş, Director of Near East Institute, and Ercan Çitlioğlu, Supervisor of Near East Institute, will host many subject specialists, bureaucrats, diplomats, politicians from Cyprus and Turkey, and will take place between 12 November-14 January. The certificate program will be carried out at Hall 4 of Grand Library, on Saturdays between 10.00-13.30 hours.