NEU To Be The Most Preferred University At SSPC-UPT 2016 (OSYM-LYS) With 2884 Students Preferring The Near East University
Date Added: 11 August 2016, 00:43
Last Updated Date:10 December 2020, 11:13
ÖSYM Sonuçlarına göre Tercihte Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Yine Açık Farkla Önde

According to a statement released by the Rectorate of the Near East University, this year 2884 students preferred the Near East University at the Undergraduate Student Placement Test held by the Higher Education Centre of Turkey. With this number of preferrence, Near East University became the top and most preferred university of Cyprus. It is also stated that this number will increase in line with the additional quota and preferrences of students who have double citizenship and will graduate from North Cyprus high schools.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irfan S. GÜNSEL: Results indicate trust to Near East University...

Expressing his satisfaction with the results achieved by the Near East University at the Undergraduate Student Placement Test, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irfan S. GÜNSEL, Chairman of Board of Trustees, said that over 7500 students are expected to enroll to the Near East University from around the world. GÜNSEL said that this result is the indication of trust and confidence put in the Near East University, the leading university of the Eastern Mediterranean region. Assoc. Prof. Dr. GÜNSEL, expressing his faith and gratitude to those who preferred the Near East University, said that they do their best to offer the best possible higher education opportunities to all their students, and wished a successful academic year for all the Near East Family.

The number of students that placed in universities across TRNC according to 2016 ÖSYM-LYS placement results.

University Number of placed students
Near East University 2884
Eastern Mediterranean University 2205
European University of Lefke 2147
Cyprus International University 1992
Kyrenia American University 1813
University of Kyrenia 400
Cyprus Social Sciences University 340
Cyprus Science University 105
Cyprus American University 74