NEU has increased the activities regarding health tourism
Date Added: 01 February 2016, 22:17
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 11:08

Participating in the 20th East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel Exhibition (EMITT), which is one of the world’s five biggest tourism fairs, Near East University has taken significant steps in the field of health tourism.

According to the press release issued by Near East University Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office, 4550 foreign tourism agencies, tour operators, institutions and companies from 71 countries participated in the 20th East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel Exhibition (EMITT), which took place in Istanbul on January 28-31, 2016. Near East University, which participated in EMITT along with authorized tourism associations and tourism operators under the umbrella of TRNC Ministry of Tourism, organized various meetings and held significant talks with foreign tour operators and tourism authorities in order to promote North Cyprus as an ideal health tourism destination.

High-level contacts are promising…..

Within the scope of his EMITT contacts, the General Director of Tourism and Travel Services and member of the Board of Directors of NEU Hospital, Mr. Ahmet Savaşan came together with Mahir Ünal, TR Minister of Culture and Tourism, Emin Çakmak, the Founding Chairman of the Turkish Healthcare Tourism Development Council, Osman Ayık, the Chairman of Turkish Hoteliers Federation, a representative of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies, and foreign representatives of tourism sector. Mr. Ahmet Savaşan highlighted the crucial role of mutual cooperation for the development of tourism in general but health tourism in particular and discussed the possibilities for the improvement of current mutual collaborations with Turkey, Middle-East and European countries. The outcomes of his contacts were very promising.

2016 may be the year of momentum in health tourism...

Touching upon the crucial role of the East Mediterranean International Tourism and Travel Exhibition (EMITT) in providing bodies that engaged in tourism with opportunities to introduce their tourism potentials, Mr.Savasan underlined that they came together with the chairmen or the representatives of prestigious bodies of tourism and made very fruitful contacts. “During our contacts, we delivered adequate information about the unique historical, cultural and natural attractions of North Cyprus as well as the quality, safe and affordable healthcare services offered by the world brand Near East University Hospital and other private hospitals and health centers in TRNC. The outcomes demonstrate that our country will gain momentum in health tourism in 2016” said he. Touching upon the importance of steering the wheel towards developing alternative types of tourism in order to create added value in North Cyprus, Savaşan highlighted the vital role of legal regulations, audits and incentives in bringing the health tourism to the desired point. He particularly emphasized that the government should determine right policies and lay claim to health tourism by making the required legal regulations and audits. Underlining that sustainable health tourism requires a strong process of collaboration of a wide range of actors; Mr. Savaşan stated that all actors including government, public and private institutions and organizations that involved in the sector should participate in decision-making process to determine appropriate policies and strategies as sustainability requires collaborative approaches to strengthen the factors of success.

Çakmak: Günsel has paved the way for TRNC….

Mr. Emin Çakmak, the Founding Chairman of the Turkish Healthcare Tourism Development Council and the Honorary President of the World Healthcare Tourism Development Council, visited the booth of NEU Hospital, which attracted intensive interest during EMITT, and stated that health tourism with its current infrastructure and human sources emerged as a high value added sector which could provide significant inputs and contribute to the development of a sustainable economy. “Dr. Suat İ. Günsel with a very prescient vision made investments on education and health in order to carry his country forward. His rewarding investments have paved the way for North Cyprus to gain success and acceptance at international platforms all over the world. Günsel’s rewarding investments have created outstanding facilities beyond the standards specified by international bodies. In virtue of Günsel’s initiative and his leading role, North Cyprus has begun to make itself known in health tourism sector. Up to now, we have keenly provided contributions for development of health tourism in North Cyprus and we will continue to ensure support in every opportunity. North Cyprus with its touristic attractions and with other opportunities on offer has a potential to have a share in health tourism. If the government does it part, I believe that North Cyprus will be an important health tourism destination” said he.