Near East University Law Clinics Practice and Research Center held the first panel of the “Divorce Case in Theory and Practice” and the practical divorce hearing event, at the Grand Hall of the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center
Date Added: 19 June 2022, 22:01
Last Updated Date:20 June 2022, 09:22

Near East University Law Clinics Application and Research Center, which was established for Faculty of Law students to reinforce the knowledge they have learned in theory and to develop knowledge, skills and experience they will need in their professional lives, hosted the first panel called “Divorce Case in Theory and Practice” at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center Grand Hall.

Divorce and the legal consequences of divorce, the proceedings in family courts, the duties and responsibilities of the experts in the family court were chaired by Prof. Dr. Hakan Pekcanıtez. Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Alaslan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Aysun Beydola and Specialist Psychologist Cansın İskender guided the students and gave information regarding the application.

Practical divorce hearing event held
After the panel, the “Divorce Case Moot Court Event” was held by the students of the Faculty of Law in cooperation with the Near East University Law Club.

Students went through a three-month preparation process for the “Divorce Case Moot Court Event”, in which a divorce case hearing was realistically simulated. In this process, students, Near East University Legal Clinics Application and Research Center Supervisors; Assist. Prof. Dr. Aysun Beydola, Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Alaslan and Specialist Psychologist Cansın İskender met every Wednesday and held a moot hearing. In the workshop where all students studying in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus can attend, they practiced every step from the first meeting of the client with the attorney to the finalization of the verdict.

Near East University Law Clinics Application and Research Center
Established in April 2022, Near East University Law Clinics Practice and Research Center aims to enable students to transfer all the information they have learned in theory to real life through clinical studies in practice, to provide free legal information to people who have legal problems, and to take an active part in social work projects. Another purpose of the Near East University Law Clinics Application and Research Center is to contribute to scientific studies with the data to be obtained from the projects.

In addition, at the end of the course, students will be able to analyze the functioning of the judicial field, identify the difficulties in accessing justice, and adopt the principles of behavior related to legal ethics. It is also aimed that students will develop skills to be able to prepare written and oral legal opinions, solve legal problems, and have knowledge about using effective communication techniques.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeter Tabur: “Our aim is to train lawyers who know the law well, but who care about human values ​​above all else and who aim to serve the society.”
Near East University Law Faculty Acting Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeter Tabur emphasized that the Law Clinics Application and Research Center aims to contribute to the development of Faculty of Law students not only in theoretical knowledge but also in practice. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tabur said, “While trying to ensure that they learn the theoretical information in the best way, on the other hand, we aim to graduate our students as lawyers who internalize the law, care about human values ​​and aim to serve the society.” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeter Tabur said, “The tool that will enable us to achieve this goal will be this center. We believe that we will achieve success in many projects on this path we set out to be beneficial to our students and society.”