II. International World Children’s Conference
Date Added: 01 March 2021, 15:22
Last Updated Date:04 March 2021, 08:24

After taking part on World Children Conference in 2020, as the one and only Children University in Northern Cyprus, with STEAM based curriculum, based in Near East University, Özay Günsel Children University is the host to the conference in 2021.

By her contribute Anna GÜNSEL Honorary President of Conference and Chairman of Trustees Committee of Özay Günsel Children University, Head of Organizing Committee and Rector of Özay Günsel Children University Prof. Dr. Filiz MERİÇLİ and Head of Scientific Committee Prof. Dr. Zehra ALTINAY GAZİ are in charge of taking every single necessary step to create an unforgettable organization this year.

Subject regarding Children, this conference has been making headlines and gaining interest in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, United states, China, Bulgaria, Brazil, Slovenia and many other countries. The conference will be held and presented by many academic board members and scientists and we wish to see you among us on 21-23 May 2021 as well.

To register please click on the link below

Website: www.worldchildrenconference.org

 Click for brochure.