An Article on Women Artists’ use of Women Images in Northern Cyprus has been published in MANAS Journal of Social Studies…
Date Added: 11 February 2019, 08:18
Last Updated Date:19 November 2020, 14:36

Head of Department of Plastic Arts of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of Near East University, Assist Prof Dr Yücel Yazgın wrote an article titled as Women Artists’ use of Women Images in Northern Cyprus and it has recently been published in an internationally scanned journal, MANAS Journal of Social Studies.

According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, in the article which Assist Prof Dr Yücel Yazgın wrote nine women artists’ work, whose art pieces are within the state collection, have been examined. The qualitative research on the art pieces involved document analysis, the data was then evaluated via a semi-structured interview and content analysis.

It was expressed that Assist Prof Dr. Yücel Yazgın had carried out research on the work of nine women artists using a qualitative research method. The women images in the art pieces were categorised and analysed considering the socio-economical status of women, the environment they were portrayed, the feature of the women it represents, the colours preferred by the artists, whether the women images used were dressed or nude, and which philosophy of art the artists were close to.

Furthermore, the art pieces of the women artists were examined in terms of the techniques preferred and the frequency of uses of human figures, women figures, men and other figures.

Adoption of Women’s Gender Equality has been found to be revealed through a philosophical approach…
As a result of Assist Prof Dr Yücel Yazgın’s study, it was found that the women artists used sixteen different techniques and used the materials in a suitable way; in addition to making use of women figures quite frequently. Furthermore, it was determined that the women’s gender equality has been expressed via a philosophical perspective. Additionally, it was identified that artists wished to see women in an outgoing life style, and that they were quite uncomfortable seeing women as a product of meta and popular culture. Also, women were represented without any otherization.