Ambassadors will address to participants at the Security Academy Certificate Program that organized by Near East Institute
Date Added: 13 November 2016, 21:38
Last Updated Date:19 November 2020, 11:36

Retired Ambassadors Namık Tan and Selim Karaosmanoğlu will participate in the Security Academy Certificate Program that organized by NEU Near East Institute as keynote speakers and discuss the importance of foreign policy and resolutions of disputes in national and international issues in the light of recent developments.

Büyükelçiler Yakın Doğu Enstitüsü Güvenlik Akademisi’nde Konuşacaklar

Namık Tan, Former Spokesman of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Retired Ambassador, and Selim Karaosmanoğlu, Retired Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey, will give seminars at the Security Academy Certificate Program that executed by NEI Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut Koldaş and Ercan Çitlioğlu, Advisor of Near East Institute Strategic Studies Center. Two retired ambassadors will come together with participants at the sessions to be held on 12 November. Mr. Tan will give a seminar on ‘Resolution of conflicts, crisis and disputes between nations’ while Mr. Karaosmanoğlu’s lecture will be on ‘Importance and Function of Foreign Politics in Terms of National Security’. The sessions will take place at Near East University Grand Library Hall-4 at 10:00 am.