Adopting Global Education Mission, Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education is progressing on the way of becoming the only faculty raising teachers for schools offering bilingual education
Date Added: 04 April 2018, 09:38
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 13:35

Through the new vision of the faculty, academicians capable to carry out teaching profession anywhere in the world will be raised...

Having been appointed as the Dean of Atatürk Faculty of Education of Near East University, Professor İsmail Hakkı Mirici said that they were committed to ensuring all possibilities required for raising teachers who have international competence and who are academically rich and equipped with adequate professional knowledge and skills required for teaching anywhere in the world. "With this in mind, we have undertaken it as a mission to be on the leading edge of quality education at international standards. In order to ensure all essential integrals, we have rolled up our sleeves to improve and renew the physical conditions including the infrastructure and superstructure of our faculty and strengthen our academic staff with very competent and experience scholars” noted he.

According to the press release delivered by the Directorate of Press & Public Relations Office of Near East University, Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Mirici delivered information about the new vision of the Faculty of Education, their educational understandings and objectives. Professor Mirici stated that they attached great importance on equipping the students not only with professional knowledge and skills but also with cultural, social, philosophical, literary, artistic and moral values. He also highlighted that it was their overriding aim to train individuals and raise them as competent professionals who are capable to add value to the society they live in.

A Global Perspective for Education, Bilingual Education Model to be implemented
“Near East University - with its academic conditions, well-established faculties, working standards, developmental properties, international network and possibilities that provided for quality education - has great objectives. Near East University has become a world brand and a prestigious destination of quality education in the region. Today, Near East University with its innovative mission and quality education beyond the standards set by international bodies has taken its place amongst the most prestigious universities over the world. Within the scope of the fundamental objectives of the university, Atatürk Faculty of Education, which is the training ground of many successful professionals, has put the wheels into motion with a new vision to be on the leading edge of providing bilingual education model and raising academicians capable to perform the profession of teaching anywhere in the world” said he.

Underlining the crucial role of having a global perspective in education, Professor Mirici stated that they kept their educational curricula up-to-date by including the latest information and applications in the programs. "Thus, we provide our students with an innovative education tailored to the conditions of the day with the latest education vision" said he.

Highlighting that bilingual education was emerging as a trend in education; Professor Merici stated that there was no faculty raising teachers for schools offering bilingual education. "Considering this fact, we have rolled up our sleeves to be the first and only faculty offering bilingual teaching programs. By virtue of these programs, we will raise well equipped teachers capable to address the needs of schools offering bilingual education across the globe" noted he.

Students will graduate with three certificates
Upon their graduation, the students will receive three certificates consisting of a diploma of their specialty, a YABEM certificate and a TESOL certificate. So, they can be employed not only as teachers but also in other fields concerning their branches. So, our programs have been designed so as to equip our students with other qualifications along with knowledge and skills required for the profession of teaching. We will widen the employment opportunities for our students by designing new programs associated with their specialties. For example, as computer technologies have a crucial role in topography, cartography and climatology, we will design and combine these programs with geography teaching programs. Thus, a student studying at the Department of Geography Teaching will gain qualifications required to be not only a teacher of geography but also a topographer, cartographer and climatologist. We will design such programs in collaboration with Near East University Lifelong Education Center (YABEM). Our Students will be able to participate in these certificate programs relevant to their fields. Besides, we offer opportunity to get TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certified. Thus, as a result of these integrated programs, our students will have graduated with three certificates consisting of a bachelor's degree diploma, a YABEM certificate and a certificate of TESOL (CertTESOL).

Opportunity to receive education at the Leading Universities of the World
Underlining the significance of the collaboration in education, Professor Mirici noted that they were in collaboration with many universities across the globe and the students had the opportunity to receive education at world's universities within the frame of cooperation protocols that they had signed so far. He added that they were committed to being the educational ground of scholars with global perspective.

Stating that they had agreed in principles with many international universities mainly in the US, Latvia, Slovakia and Taiwan, Professor Mirici highlighted that the postgraduate students could receive master's degree and PhD courses at those universities within the frame of the concluded agreements and these courses would be added to their transcripts.

Employment opportunities for our graduates have been widening...
Underlining their dedication to exerting all efforts to providing wider employment opportunities for their graduates, Professor İsmal Hakkı Mirici stated that they had been in contact with private schools as well and concluded bilateral agreements so far. "We will keep being in contact with respective institutions and providing wider employment opportunities for our graduates" noted he.

Creating a Physical Environment that facilitates access to information
Underlining the importance of an inclusive environment which facilitates communication, interaction and access to information, Professor Mirici stated that they would create a physical and technological environment where students, academic and administrative staff could communicate, interact and access information easily. "In order to create such an environment, we have steered the wheel towards creating a laboratory of Sciences, a Fine Arts workshop and reconstructing our current Computer Technologies Laboratory" said he.

Touching upon the positive impacts of scientific meetings, congresses, symposia, panels, plenary conferences and workshops on education, Professor Mirici stated that they would continue to organize such activities on national and international basis in collaboration and interaction with various sub-disciplines related to educational sciences and other social sciences. Underlining the crucial role of academic staff in raising well equipped individuals, Professor Merici added that they would enhance the competence and qualifications of academic staff through in-service trainings.

Pointing out that a faculty was not only an institution providing teaching and learning opportunities but also a center attaching importance on socializing and sharing cultural activities, Professor İbrahim Hakkı Mirici ended his remarks: "We will ensure a faculty climate encompassing an inclusive learning environment where students can express themselves freely, discuss educational problems and find solutions".