Zilha Gazi, 72, who has been sleeping all day for 11 years, returned to her normal life in two weeks with the correct diagnosis and treatment applied at the Near East University Hospital Yeniboğaziçi.
Date Added: 09 August 2023, 13:21
Last Updated Date:10 August 2023, 05:40

72-year-old Zilha Gazi, who spent the whole day sleeping for 11 years and sought a cure for her disease from different doctors during this time, regained her health within 2 weeks as a result of the treatment applied by Dr. Tansel Ünal.
Zilha Gazi, whose illness started 11 years ago and was 61 years old at that time, felt more tired every day and wanted to sleep all the time. After a while, Gazi, who started to have difficulty in keeping his eyes open due to constant fatigue and sleepiness, became unable to do her daily routine housework and even to take care of herself. Gazi’s speech was so distorted that what she was saying could be barely understood by others. Gazi, whose general condition deteriorated day by day, was now spending most of the day sleeping. Her relatives, who applied to many different doctors and hospitals for 11 years, could not get any results despite numerous different diagnoses and different drug treatments, especially focusing on sleeping sickness, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and depression. Despite all the treatments applied, the fact that Zilha Gazi did not improve her health condition made Gazi and her family fall into pessimism as time passed.

Zilha Gazi’s life changed with the treatment she received at the Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital. Zilha Gazi, whose sleepiness started at the age of 61 and continued for 11 years, got rid of her problem within two weeks with the treatment applied after the diagnosis of Parkinson’s Plus Syndrome at the Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital.

Her life partner never gave up…
The efforts of her husband, Hasan Gazi, who has been the life partner of Zilha Gazi for more than 50 years, changed the direction of this health story. Hasan Gazi, one of Mormenekşe’s well-known figures, was very curious to learn, determined, and did not give up on obstacles, and tried to do his best for her wife for years, sought for a solution and did not give up looking for solutions so that his wife can regain her health. As soon as Gazi heard that Near East Enterprises had opened a new hospital in Yeniboğaziçi, he decided to apply to the Neurology Department of the Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital in order to get a different opinion. The life of his wife and family also changed after this decision. Zilha Gazi, who could barely go to her appointment with Dr. Tansel Ünal with the support of two people and had difficulty in speaking, was assisted by her husband Hasan Gazi.

Dr. Tansel Ünal: “Knowledge and experience are vital for the correct diagnosis.”
When Dr. Tansel Ünal carefully evaluated the signs and symptoms of Zilha Gazi, who had difficulty even opening her eyelids, he came to the conclusion that the cause of the complaints was a subtype of Parkinson’s Plus syndrome.

Expressing that he started to treat Zilha Gazi in this direction, Dr. Tansel Ünal said, “Knowledge and experience are vital for the correct diagnosis. Thanks to the drug treatment applied afterward, Zilha Gazi opened her eyes to life again in a short time like 15 days.”

Now she walks without the need for anyone’s support!
Zilha Gazi, who was almost reborn into life expressed her gratitude for the treatment administered by Dr. Tansel Ünal, now has a completely normal life. Gazi, who can walk without the support of anyone or even a cane, can easily do her own housework and go for a walk with her husband, Hasan Gazi… Zilha Gazi, who stated that she made the preparations alone at the dinner party she gave at her home in the past days, said that this happiness is indescribable. Her husband, Hasan Gazi, expressed his gratitude by saying, “My happiness is endless. You made me see those beautiful eyes of my wife again after all these years.”

The longer a person’s lifespan, the more likely they are to develop neurodegenerative diseases!
“Actually, everything was in sight. After listening to the patient’s complaints and interpreting the examination findings, I came to the conclusion that there is a subtype of the ‘Parkinson’s Plus Syndrome’ belonging to the group of neurodegenerative diseases affecting the movement-related system (extrapyramidal system) in Ms. Zilha, and I started to apply treatment in this direction.” Dr. Tansel Ünal said that neurodegenerative diseases mostly occur due to some genetic predisposing factors, as a result of the wear and tear of certain parts of the nervous system over time and can take many forms.

Dr. Tansel Ünal, in his statement about the diagnosis process, further said: “These are the situations that we encounter more frequently as people’s lifespans get longer. While many have been clearly identified, more still await identification. Although many diseases have common symptoms, when faced with rare symptoms such as Ms. Zilha’s illness, the physician remains in the dark and has difficulty in finding his way. Thanks to my knowledge and experience, I was able to interpret the symptoms correctly. We are happy that we were able to regain Ms. Zilha’s health.”

Diagnosis and treatment approaches should be planned for the patient.
Stating that Zilha Gazi used many drugs when she applied to the hospital and it was not possible to stop the use of these drugs all at once, Dr. Tansel Ünal explained that the process took time to move away from old treatments with a certain order and intervals.

At the same time, expressing that a new treatment plan has been prepared for Zilha Gazi and dose adjustments have been made in her medications, Dr. Tansel Ünal stated that it is of great importance to plan the treatment in detail and meticulously after the correct approach and correct diagnosis for each patient.