Young veterinarians who graduated from the Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine received their diplomas
Date Added: 27 July 2023, 08:15

126 young veterinarians who graduated from the Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine received their diplomas at the ceremony held at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center.

The ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the singing of the National Anthem, continued with a violin concert by violinist Nina Koçubey. In the ceremony, which took place with intense participation, a short video presentation of the photographs taken by the graduate students during their education life was made. Opening speeches were delivered by Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Prof. Dr. Deniz Seyrek İntaş and, on behalf of the graduate students, the valedictorian of the faculty, İlayda Bengisu Çakır, expressed her feelings.

After the speeches, the top graduate of the faculty İlayda Bengisu Çakır nailed her name to the traditional age log. Afterward, the graduates who received their diplomas took their professional oath together with Prof. Dr. Deniz Seyrek İntaş.

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt: “Your compassion, expertise and commitment to excellence will be the guiding light that shapes the future of veterinary medicine.”
Addressing the graduates at the ceremony, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt said, “You, our veterinarians, are entrusted with taking care of the health and well-being of our dear animal friends as a noble responsibility. As you begin your professional journey, embrace innovation, be open to new ideas, and never stop looking for ways to improve your practice and provide the best possible care for your patients.”

“By actively engaging with communities, educating pet owners, and advocating responsible animal care, you can create a society that values and respects the lives of all living things. In other words, as Dr. Temple Grandin once said, “You have to support the animals to make us human.” Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt congratulated the graduates by saying “Your compassion, expertise and commitment to excellence will be the guiding light that shapes the future of veterinary medicine.”

Prof. Dr. Deniz Seyrek İntaş: “Know that the secret of happiness is to be able to do useful services to others. The profession of veterinary medicine, which has a duty to serve both people and other living things, is a profession where you can do this at the highest level.”
In her speech, Prof. Dr. Seyrek referred to the saying of the Turkish Cypriot community leader Dr. Fazıl Küçük and said, “Today is ours, tomorrow is only our children’s with all their happiness. Raising them in the best way is a debt.” Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Near East University Prof. Dr. Deniz Seyrek İntaş also said, “In line with this principle, as Near East University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, we are trying to teach our students from many parts of the world a sacred profession that serves both animal and human health.”

Addressing her students, who experienced the enthusiasm of graduation at the end of a difficult five years that deeply affected the whole society with chaotic events such as the pandemic and earthquake, Prof. Dr. Deniz Seyrek İntaş said, “All the difficulties experienced encouraged you to work, research and learn more, and this disadvantage turned into an opportunity.”

Reminding the British philosopher Francis Bacon’s saying “Knowledge is power”, Prof. Dr. Deniz Seyrek İntaş said, “If you want to be strong, you have to be knowledgeable in your profession. Instead of meaningless competition in your profession, you should aim to cooperate and work as a team. Many of the tasks related to our profession can only be carried out and concluded with strong teamwork. Thus, you should definitely improve your good communication skills.”

Addressing the graduates, Prof. Dr. Seyrek İntaş said, “You should know that the secret of happiness is to be able to provide useful services to others. The profession of veterinary medicine, which has a duty to serve both people and other living things, is a profession where you can do this at the highest level. Be aware of the importance of your profession.”, and congratulated the graduates.

İlayda Bengisu Çakır: “Now, we all embark on our own adventures by leaving the safe harbor offered to us by our teachers.”
Ilayda Bengisu Çakır, the top graduate of the faculty, said that veterinary medicine education took a long and tiring road and said, “Veterinary medicine is a profession in which you are in contact with living things. Therefore, it is a conscientious journey where learning and development must continue.”

İlayda Bengisu Çakır, who pointed out that they gained a lot of experience during their five years of education, said, “In the first stage, we learned to collect information, evaluate and associate this information. Now we all embark on our own adventures by leaving the safe harbor offered to us by our teachers,” and expressed her excitement and fears.

İlayda Bengisu Çakır, who said, “This profession, in which we take responsibility for innocent creatures who cannot tell their problems and need our support to heal, is one of the most difficult professions in the world”, stated that they will implement the requirements of their profession within the framework of ethical values.