Women were given training on the ‘conscious use of drugs and antibiotics’ in cooperation with Near East University and Dikmen Municipality.
Date Added: 19 January 2024, 12:10

Antibiotic resistance, increasing due to unconscious drug use, is one of the most important health problems worldwide. As the World Health Organization frequently points out, many bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics due to excessive and misuse. This makes antibiotics ineffective and makes it much more difficult to treat diseases.

Social awareness is of great importance for a correct drug use habit. In order to raise awareness about the careful use of drugs and antibiotics, an informative seminar for women was organized in cooperation with Near East University and Dikmen Municipality. Dikmen Mayor Yüksel Çelebi and the female council members of the Municipality also attended the informative seminar, which was attended by many women from the local community.

At the informative seminar meeting held by Near East University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Endodontics Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı at Dikmen Youth Center, information was given about the correct use of antibiotics and painkillers. Near East University Faculty of Dentistry research assistants Dt. Özel Baysen, Dt. Deniz Şevik and Dt. Pelin Su Aydin also attended the seminar.

Women have a key role in social transformation!
Stating that women have a key role in accelerating social transformation, Near East University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Endodontics Faculty Member Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı said, "That's why we organized this event, we organized it in order to raise social awareness and awareness about drug use, for women in the first place."

Assist. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı, warning that wrong medication use can cause serious health problems and even death, emphasized the importance of receiving drug treatment that corresponds to patients' clinical needs, in a dose appropriate to their individual needs and for a sufficient period of time. Stating that the patient must comply with the treatment given by the doctor when using medication, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı said, "Situations such as the patient using the medication in the wrong way at the wrong time or for the wrong purpose, adding a medication that is not prescribed to the treatment, taking the wrong order, or discontinuing the treatment prematurely are obstacles to seeing the maximum benefit that can be obtained from the treatment."

It is important to use the right medicine in the right dose.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı stated that unconscious use of antibiotics causes bacteria to gain resistance and negatively affects the treatment and emphasized the importance of the right dose as well as the right medicine. Assist. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı said that, for drugs with a narrow safety margin, using more than the required dose will lead to risky situations. “It is a common mistake to think that a medicine that is good for someone else will also be good for you. Also, it should be noted that the measuring spoon in the medicine box and the spoons used at home are generally not the same volume."

Assist. Prof. Dr. Dilan Kırmızı also touched upon the antibiotics and painkillers used in dentistry and emphasized that in all cases, the treatment should be under the control of a doctor. Kırmızı said, “Especially with painkillers; side effects such as irritation in the intestines, tendency to bleeding, allergic reactions, negative effects on people with hypertension, headache and dizziness, hearing loss, nausea, increase in blood sugar and kidney damage can be observed."

Take tablets that must be taken orally with water, not acidic drinks!
Assist. Prof. Dr. Kırmızı also stated that medicines should be stored at room temperature, in a place away from sunlight and moisture and in a cupboard out of reach of children, ointments and syrups should not be stored in the refrigerator. Kırmızı said that vaccines, suppositories, pessaries and vaginal tablets can be stored in the refrigerator and also reminded that all oral medications should be taken with water, and warned that medications should not be taken with acidic drinks.