VI. International Architecture, Civil Engineering and Graphic Design Project Festival starts at Near East University
Date Added: 10 September 2016, 15:37
Last Updated Date:20 November 2020, 09:12
VI. Uluslarası Mimarlık, İnşaat Mühendisliği ve Grafik Tasarımı Proje Festivali YDÜ'de Başladı

VI. International Architecture, Civil Engineering and Graphic Design Project Festival which hosted by the Near East University in Turkish Republic of North Cyprus this year started.

The opening ceremony of the Festival through which graduation projects in line with international standards will compete realized with participation of local and foreign scientists, academicians and students at Hall 4 of Grand Library of Near East University.

According to a press info released by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of Near East University, the festival throughout which the students from civil engineering, architecture and graphic design departments will compete with their graduation projects. At the end of the Festival, the jury of the Festival will decide on the projects to be awarded and the owners of the winning projects will be awarded.

Scientists and academicians specializing on architecture, civil engineering and design, whose majority coming from 15 countries, including Russia, Bulgaria, Holland, United Arab Emirates, Hungary, Turkey and Ukraine, are taking place at the Festival.

VI. Uluslarası Mimarlık, İnşaat Mühendisliği ve Grafik Tasarımı Proje Festivali YDÜ'de Başladı

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel: “We are proud to host the festival which will lead to future of the architectural discipline…”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel, Chairman of Board of Trustees of Near East University, delivered the opening speech of the Festival in Hall 4 and in his speech said that the International Festival of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Graphic Design will contribute much to the qualifications of students and shed light on the future of architectural discipline. Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan S. Günsel said “The conference held in form of a festival in order to evaluate the projects of the students from faculties of architecture and determine whether they are in line with the international standards will definitely shed light on development of graduation projects in future. The awards that will be given at the end of the conference will promote the competitions amongst the students and enhance them in focusing on their objectives”. Assoc. Prof. Günsel also emphasized that the Near East University gives the utmost importance in line with her wide line of vision and perspective and will continue to support such organizations in order to help and promote our students to gain the identity of a researcher and raise professional awareness.

VI. Uluslarası Mimarlık, İnşaat Mühendisliği ve Grafik Tasarımı Proje Festivali YDÜ'de Başladı

Prof. Amirlan Kussainov, Rector of KazGASA, said in his speech that the Festival hosted by Near East University has created a precious opportunity to bring new projects together.

Prof. Ducen Kasseniov, General Secretary of TURKSOY, said in his speech that the Festival would be a new step in establishment of future and building up of peace in future.

Yılmaz Batıbey, General Secretary of Turkic World Architects and Engineers Union, said in his speech that they are very proud of becoming a part of such a precious event held by the Near East University in designing the future of the world.

Following the opening speeches, memorial plaques and presents were handed in.