The Silent Disease: Osteoporosis
Date Added: 11 June 2020, 14:18
Last Updated Date:17 November 2020, 10:32
Specialist Doctor in the Department of Internal Diseases of Near East University Hospital Dr. Sena İlin expressed that Osteoporosis has become an important health problem with prolonged human life and added as well as being a largely preventable disease, it is also a disease which has treatment. Furthermore, she stressed that hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases have become important health problems accompanied the osteoporosis disease.

Specialist Dr. Sena İlin: “Osteoporosis has become an important health problem with prolonged human life!”
Specialist Dr. Sena İlin said that osteoporosis has become an increasingly important health problem with the prolongation of human life and the increase in the elderly population all over the world. She said that medical conditions linked to osteoporosis were hypertension, diabetes, and other heart diseases. Furthermore, she said that there is an increase in the incidence of chronic degenerative joint diseases and diseases related to skeletal system with old age and she stated that osteoporosis is the most common disease that concerns the skeletal system among these diseases.

Specialist Doctor Sena İlin: “In cases where osteoporosis is not treated, it increases the risk of fractures in the bones and negatively affects the quality of life.”
Sena İlin pointed out that osteoporosis, which literally means porous bone, is a disease in which the density and quality of bone are reduced. As bones become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture is greatly increased. The loss of bone occurs silently and progressively. Often there are no symptoms until the first fracture occurs. Moreover, Specliaist Doctor Sena İlin said that in other words osteoporosis is a disease characterized by increased bone fragility as a result of deterioration of micro-architecture and bone quality of bone tissue. She said:

“Just as hypertension can lead to severe complications such as stroke risk and brain bleeding in cases where it cannot be controlled, osteoporosis can also increase the risk of fractures in the bones, leading to complications that both decrease the quality of life and can result in death. Increased bone fragility, ie osteoporosis, is a problem that every woman can experience. Although it is known especially as a women's disease that affects women in the post-menopausal period, it also greatly affects the male population.”

Symptoms of Osteoporosis
Dr. Sena İlin expressed that in the light of research conducted on people over the age of 50, osteoporosis-related fractures develop in one of every three women and every eight men during their lifetime and pointed out that the disease did not show any symptoms during the development period of the disease. Therefore, she said that the disease was silent until the fracture occurred. She said:

“Diffuse bone pains and tenderness in the bones, fracture in the spine, especially collapse fractures due to the weakening of the bone, severe back and low back pain, humpback, forward bent body shape, disruption in body posture, shortening of the length, fractures in the wrist, hip and spine with a minor trauma, and limited movement in the bones can be counted as symptoms of the disease..”

Specialist Doctor Sena İlin: “Having strong bone structure in the adolescence years reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly ages.”
Specialist Doctor Sena İlin said that the bones were like a very dynamic organ. She stated that there is a continuous and balanced production and destruction in normal bone tissue. Moreover, she stated that bone mass, which was shaped and continued to grow from birth to adolescence, reached its peak in adolescence. Additionally, she expressed that the risk of developing osteoporosis will decrease in older ages in parallel with the strong bone structure rate that can be obtained during this period. She added that after the age of 30, an average of 0.2-0.5% loss of bone density per year began to occur in both sexes.

Risk factors of Osteoporosis
Specialst Doctor Sena İlin pointed out that as the age advances, an increase in bone deformation is observed due to the deterioration in the bone-making. She stated that menopause and concomitant drug treatments, endocrinopathy, and a course associated with a number of hormonal problems, could face a picture resulting in osteoporosis as a result of the failure of the bone to regenerate adequately and reduced bone density. She said:

“The main risk factors of osteoporosis can be listed as being over the age of 45, entering menopause at an early age, and entering the surgical menopause due to the surgical removal of the ovaries for any reason. In men, reductions in the testosterone hormone can also cause this disease. In general, alcohol and cigarette use, feeding on calcium-poor products, and today's problem, vitamin D deficiency can also be shown as factors that trigger osteoporosis. Although osteoporosis is more common in short, petite, and weak people, weak people carry a higher risk of osteoporosis than overweight people.”

Osteoporosis Preventive Measures
In addition to the above, Dr. Sena İlin expressed that osteoporosis is a disease that can be prevented and strengthen bone architecture with supportive treatments, that is, it can be treated. She emphasized the importance of including calcium-rich nutrition and sports activities that will strengthen bone structure, especially until the thirties. She said:

“Since decreases in bone density will begin after the age of 30, anyone who wants to have strong bones should take 1000 milligrams of elemental calcium per day. 1 cup of milk, 1 freshly squeezed orange juice or white cheese or cheddar cheese contains approximately 300-500mg of calcium. Based on this, it is necessary to maintain and maintain the bone structure of 1000 mg daily for women under the age of 50 and men under the age of 65, and 1500 mg daily for the women over the age of 50 and men over the age of 50. If the patient has a history of accompanying kidney stones and disease that increases bone destruction, treatment should be planned under the supervision and recommendation of a doctor.”