The mothers of the children at the Child Protection Department, who completed the literacy course at Near East University, received their certificate of achievement
Date Added: 12 June 2023, 10:59

The six-month training program initiated by the Near East University for illiterate mothers of children in the Child Protection Department has been completed. 15 mothers who learned to read and write by completing the program received certificates of achievement at the ceremony held at the Child Protection Department.

15 mothers who learned to read and write with the study carried out by the faculty members and students of the Department of Turkish Language Teaching at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Near East University said that their lives have changed.

Courses will continue
Turning the results of the training program they completed into a scientific article, Near East University Deputy Head of Turkish Language Teaching Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut stated that mothers, who can be more involved in the school process of their children by learning to read and write, strengthen the social bond between them and their children.

Near East University Head of Turkish Language Teaching Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır, on the other hand, stated that they observed the experiences of the mothers during the course and that their daily lives became easier after they started learning to read and write. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeniasır said that the literacy courses they started with Ali Birsen, Administrative Affairs Officer of Cyprus Turkish Child Protection Department, will continue next year as well.

Asenur Köleoğlu and Ece Naz Sevim, students of the Department of Turkish Language Teaching at Near East University, who were together with the trainee mothers during the courses, and Şengül Yorgancıoğlu, Education Coordinator of the Child Protection Department, said that they were very proud to touch the lives of mothers. Expressing that the mothers were very enthusiastic and excited during this process, the trainers said that they enjoyed witnessing their happiness.

Mothers: “Our lives have changed!”
Trainee mothers, who learned to read and write, talked about the changes in their lives at the ceremony where they received their certificates of success. Mothers, who stated that by learning to read and write, their self-confidence increased, they wished that the courses would continue.

Mothers, who can now help their children more in education, are most proud of being able to ‘go to the hospital or the market alone’, understand what they read and write their name and surname…

Fehime Bayhan, who explained that she could not write her name and surname when she went to the hospital, because she could not read and write, said, “I am very happy now. No matter how many courses are organized, I want to continue and improve myself.”

Another mother, Fidan Akat, expressed herself by saying: “Now I can read, write, and do my own business in the bazaar, in the market.”

Sultan Değer, who learned to read and write by completing the course, expressed her happiness by saying: “Teachers were sending papers to the house, saying, ‘Let your parents read it and sign it’. I couldn’t read, I had to wait for my husband to come home. I started to work, but I was terminated because I could not do some things because I was illiterate. Now I’m reading myself. I am very happy.”

Explaining that she is improving herself gradually, Emine Altan stated that she wants to take this course even further and that she wants to help her children more in their lessons. Expressing her satisfaction with the courses, Semira Yumuşak said, “Now when we go to a place, I start to understand what is written, my husband is surprised to see that I read the articles around with curiosity.”