The installation artwork titled “The Whisper of Angels”, dedicated to the Champion Angels by the lecturers and students of the Near East University Faculty of Architecture, continues to be exhibited in Famagusta as part of the 10th International Design Week
Date Added: 15 June 2023, 05:22

The installation artwork titled “Whisper of Angels” dedicated to Champion Angels by faculty members and students from the Department of Interior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture of Near East University, continues to be exhibited in Famagusta as part of the 10th International Design Week.

Near East University lecturers and interior architects Özge Mercan, Hasan Altan, Hilmi Okutan and Çağla Beyaz, together with 14 interior architecture students, bring together their work on aerated concrete blocks for two days. The installation work was carried out in memory of 5 parents, 4 teachers and 26 students who lost their lives in Adıyaman Isias Hotel in the earthquake that occurred in Turkey in February.

We tried to monumentalize the emotions by transferring them to the stones!
Özge Mercan, one of the lecturers involved in the study, a master interior designer, said that they want to commemorate the Champion Angels, keep their memories alive and leave a lasting legacy for them. Mercan said, “While we were making the installation study, we had emotional moments with our students by helping, sharing, feeling, having trouble, and at the same time with the pleasure of working and producing together.”

Near East University lecturer and master interior architect Hasan Altan emphasized that many tragedies shape the artistic expressions of societies and said, “In this study, we tried to monumentalize these feelings by transferring these feelings to stones by illustrating the abstract thoughts guided by the feelings with art”. Stating that they aim to raise awareness by interpreting art with political and sociological elements in their studies, Altan stated that such studies are also very beneficial for architectural education.