The “Graduation Exhibition”, which will be held for the 15th time by the Near East University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, will present the works of 17 artists to visitors
Date Added: 15 June 2024, 09:50
Last Updated Date:20 June 2024, 08:40

Near East University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design’s “15th Anniversary” “Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Graduation Exhibition” will be opened on Monday, June 24, at 18.00 at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center Exhibition Hall.

Exclusively prepared by 17 young artists of the Near East University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, “15. Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Graduation Exhibition” will be opened on Monday, June 24, at 18.00 at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center Exhibition Hall.

Students, who will display the knowledge and skills they acquired during their four-year education with their original works, will reflect their creative processes and journeys in the art world. The exhibition, consisting of paintings, sculptures, ceramics, graphics and printmaking works, will bear the traces of the students’ efforts and passions. Each work will fascinate art lovers by telling a story.

Prof. Dr. Erdal Aygenç: “Seeing the passion, effort and creativity of young artists shows how bright and promising the art world of the future is.”
Dean of Near East University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Prof. Dr. Erdal Aygenç said, “As every year, we will present the works of artists of the future trained at the Near East University Faculty of Fine Arts and Design to visitors. Our exhibition bears the traces of the efforts and passion of young artists.”

“This exhibition is not only a graduation event, but also an occasion to celebrate the beginning of young artists’ artistic journeys,” said Prof. Dr. Erdal Aygenç, and added; “I invite all art lovers to participate in this special exhibition and discover the works of young artists.”