The Exhibition Consisting of Artworks of recently deceased Painting Artist Dogduberk Nurgaziev, Owner of Kyrgyzstan State Order and Silver Key Honor Award of Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts to be opened by Minister of Economy and Energy Hasan Taçoy
Date Added: 18 September 2019, 16:31
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 11:48

Dogdurberk Nurgaziev, the owner of Kyrgyzstan State Order and and Silver Key Honor Award of Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts and whose name is on the list of founders of the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, died on August 9, 2019. An exhibition consisting of the artworks of Nurgaziev will be held in memory of the painter by the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts at the Exhibition Hall of Faculty of Dentistry and opened by the Minister of Economy and Energy Hasan Taçoy on September 19, 2019.

According to the information provided by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, the exhibition will be held in memory of the Nurgaziev on the 40th day of his death, who died on 9 August 2019 and is a Kyrgyzstan State Order holder, one of the founders of the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts and owner of Silver Key Honor Award.

The opening of the exhibition will be held on Thursday, September 19, 2019 at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Near East University at 8.30 by Minister of Economy and Energy Hasan Taçoy.

Who is Dogdurbek Nurgaziyev?
Dogdurbek Nurgaziyev was born in 1955 in the village of Chon-Kizil-Suu in the Isik-Kul district of Kyrgyzstan. After graduating from Frunze College of Art in 1978, he graduated from the Department of Monumental Painting of Moscow V.İ. Surikov State Fine Arts Academy in 1985. In 1997, he received his PhD from the Kyrgyzstan Academy of Fine Arts. Nurgaziyev is a member of the Union of Artists of the Kyrgyz Republic and is a People's Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic. He is a board member of the National Academy of Fine Arts in Kyrgyzstan and a member of the International Academy of Creativity. He has participated in many national and international projects and exhibitions and has held 9 solo exhibitions in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Germany, France and the United Arab Emirates. His artworks take place in State East Fine Arts Museum of Peoples in Moscow, Russia Nations Palace, in Geneva, Switzerland National Fine Arts Museum, and in museums and private galleries and collections in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Canada, Italy, Japan, France, Norway, Turkey, the Netherlands, Korea, Switzerland, China, Germany, the United States and Luxembourg.