The deadline for scholarship applications for the 2023-2024 academic year spring semester master’s and doctoral programs at Near East University is January 31!
Date Added: 26 January 2024, 08:42

Master’s and doctoral programs, which are important in terms of professional career and personal development as well as academic specialization and have become an important reason for preference in business life, open new horizons for candidates and professionals. Applications for 245 master’s and doctoral programs approved by the Higher Education Council (YÖK) and the Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board (YÖDAK) are ongoing at Near East University.

At Near East University, which also offers up to 100 percent scholarship opportunities to prospective students who will apply for master’s and doctoral programs, scholarship applications for all master’s and doctoral programs conducted with or without thesis can be made until January 31, 2024. Applications for master’s and doctoral programs without scholarships will continue after this date until February 28.

All the information required for application is on the website!
Candidates who will apply to Near East University Master’s and Doctorate programs can visit the website or call 0 392 680 20 00 (ext. 5211- They can also get detailed information by calling 5225-5377). Candidates who want to apply for a scholarship for a master’s degree program will be able to apply to [email protected] with a copy of their undergraduate diploma and transcript, ALES result document (for students of Turkish nationality), a copy of their ID or passport, a reference letter, if any, and the application form available on the website. Candidates who want to apply for a scholarship to the PhD program must send these documents, a copy of their master’s diploma and transcript, and their CV to the same e-mail address.

Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ: “We design and run our master’s and doctoral programs at international standards. The programs we implement provide our graduates with a global competitive advantage, contributing to their success in the international arena.”

Stating that master’s and doctoral programs provide graduates with the opportunity to gain practical knowledge and experience, as well as providing in-depth expertise in a specific field, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “This enables our graduates to stand out both in the academic world and in professional business life.”

“As Near East University, we design and run our master’s and doctoral programs at international standards. The programs we implement provide our graduates with a competitive advantage at the global level, contributing to their success in the international arena,” said Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ and added, “Near East University has an educational staff consisting of world-renowned academicians. Our students also have the opportunity to expand their academic and professional networks by interacting with these experienced faculty members.” Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ emphasized that master’s and doctoral programs, which will strengthen people’s individual careers, are important in contributing to the development of a knowledge-based society.