The 3rd International Cinema Symposium, dedicated to honoring the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, will be held on 6-10 November 2023, hosted by the Near East University
Date Added: 12 June 2023, 07:53

Applications continue for the “International Short Film” and “International Photography” contests to be held as part of the 3rd International Cinema Symposium.

Applications for the “International Short Film” and “International Photography” contests as part of the “International Film Symposium” to be held on 6-10 November 2023 with the theme of “Culture-Identity-Ideology” by Near East University Faculty of Communication Department of Radio, Television and Cinema and Communication Research Center (İLAMER), has been continuing.

The owners of the works that will participate in the “International Short Film” and “International Photography” contests must complete their applications by 20 October.

The films that will participate in the International Short Film Contest must be made between 3 and 15 minutes.
In the International Short Film Contest, which will be held for the second time this year, students studying in associate, undergraduate or graduate departments in Turkey, TRNC and international universities, can participate. The duration of the short films to participate in the contest must be at least three and at most 15 minutes. The works that will participate in the contest will be evaluated on the basis of their originality, the content of the message given or to be given and the ease of perception, the language of expression and fiction, the audio-visual quality of the narration and the elements of creativity.

The works that will participate in the contest will be determined at the end of the evaluation of the preliminary jury, chaired by the director of photography Hayri Çölaşan. In the preliminary jury, producer Süleyman Bedri Kalyoncuoğlu, director Fehmi Öztürk and Dr. Vasfi Çiftçioğlu and academicians Assist. Prof. Dr. Göral Erinç Yılmaz, Dr. Serkan Fundalar, Dr. Özgur Ipek, Dr. Azime Cantaş, lecturers Mert Yusuf Özlük, Zeyde Yalıner Örnek and Halil Duranay will take place.

The winning works of the International Short Film Contest will be determined by the main jury consisting of writer and director Derviş Zaim, theater actors Tamer Levent and Şenay Gürler, writer and producer Canol Balkaya, cinematographer Hayri Çölaşan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Zühal Çetin Özkan, who is also the symposium president, Near East University Communication Faculty Radio, Television and Cinema Department and Communication Research Center (İLAMER) President Prof. Dr. Fevzi Kasap.

The International Photography Contest will be held with the titles “Light of the Republic: 100 of the Republic in its 100th Anniversary” and “Cultural Heritage”
The International Photography Contest, which will be held as part of the 3rd International Cinema Symposium, will be held in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey, with the theme “Light of the Republic: 100th of the Republic in its 100th Anniversary”. The second theme of the contest will be “Cultural Heritage”.

Works will first be evaluated by the preliminary jury that will meet under the chairmanship of M Çağatay Göktan. Academicians who will take place in the International Photography Contest preliminary jury will be Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asli Erciyeş Tosun, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eren Görgülü, Dr. Sebla Selin Ok, lecturers Berrin Bayraktaroğlu, Zeyde Yalın Örek, Hüseyin Aşkaroğlu, Mert Yusuf Özlük, and photographers Hasan Bağlar and Mehmet Gökyiğit.

Among the works that passed the preliminary jury evaluation, the winners of the competition will be determined by the main jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammet Bayraktaroğlu from Trakya University. The main jury will consist of Prof. Dr. Osman Ürper from Marmara University, Prof. Dr. Ata Yakup Kaptan from 19 Mayıs University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Beyhan Özdemir from Dokuz Eylül University and senior lecturer Gazi Yüksel from Near East University.