The 20th Cyprus Theater Festival will start on May 17 with the play “Women, Elephants and Saires”, which will be staged by Ankara State Theater at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center
Date Added: 16 May 2024, 09:40

At the 20th Cyprus Theater Festival, which will be held between 17 May and 11 June, hosted by Near East University, 10 plays performed by the actors of Ankara State Theatre, Istanbul City Theatres, Van State Theatre, Kumbaracı50, Antilogos Theater and Nicosia Municipal Theater will meet theater lovers.

Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center, which also hosts the classical music concerts of the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, theater plays, individual and group exhibitions, conferences and congresses, will once again bring art and culture enthusiasts together with the 20th Cyprus Theater Festival.

10 plays will meet theater lovers!

This year, 10 plays will be staged at the Cyprus Theater Festival, organized for the 20th time by the Nicosia Municipal Theatre. 8 of these plays will meet the audience at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center. The opening of the festival will be held on May 17 with the play “Women, Elephants and Saires” performed by the actors of the Ankara State Theater.

Antilogos Theatre’s “Mother”, Kumbaracı50’s “The Other Merchant of Venice”, Van State Theatre’s “Enchanted Prince”, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality City Theatres’ “Witch’s Cauldron”, “The Tail of the Kite” and “Trash-Free World” plays, Ankara State Theatre’s “The Killing of Gonzago” will also be staged at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center until 11 June. Nicosia Municipal Theatre’s plays “Tartüf24” and “Flying Bicycle” will be performed on stage at the Nicosia Turkish Municipality Hall.

Meeting point of culture and art

Designed to enable the organization of national and international congresses, seminars, meetings, conferences and cultural events, Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center consists of four halls, one large hall, two foyers, an exhibition hall and support service units. The center, which stands out with its modern structure and multi-purpose design, hosts many events held in the country.