The 19-34 age group moves away from the traditional Turkish Cypriot cuisine and turns to “fast food”
Date Added: 01 January 2022, 20:24
Last Updated Date:03 January 2022, 08:54

The article titled “An Investigation on the Change of Turkish Cypriot Food Culture”, written by Near East University faculty members, was published in the International Journal of Uyghur Studies.

The article titled “An Investigation on the Change of Turkish Cypriot Food Culture” written by Near East University faculty members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut was published in the International Journal of Uyghur Studies, which is scanned by national and international indexes.

Emphasizing that the social life in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus kept pace with the modern world with the transformation experienced in the 1990s and after, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut pointed out that with this change, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has become more open to interaction with other cultures in the world.

The trend from traditional cuisine to “Fast Food” is increasing
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut said that the 19-34 age group, in particular, is moving away from traditional foods and turning to fast food.

Stating that the Turkish Cypriot cuisine culture has been transferred from generation to generation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yeniasır and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak Gökbulut stated that the sustainability of the Turkish Cypriot food culture depends on the integration of traditional foods into daily life. In their study, faculty members also underlined that all traditional dishes of the Turkish Cypriot culture should be published together with their recipes.

In the study, it is also recommended to organize organizations that will introduce the food culture to the tourists visiting the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in order to introduce the traditional Turkish Cypriot cuisine to wider masses. Emphasis is placed on the importance of including tourists in processes such as the preparation, cooking and catering of traditional foods, in terms of introducing the Turkish Cypriot culinary culture to the world.