The 18th issue of Near East University Hospital’s healthy lifestyle magazine “Near Health” has been published
Date Added: 18 December 2023, 09:56

The 18th issue of “Near Health” magazine, which brings together its readers with the most up-to-date information on health, treatment methods, the latest innovations in the medical world and healthy lifestyle suggestions that will make life easier, was published.

Near Health magazine, having rich content written by the specialist physicians of Near East Hospital, Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital and Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital, meets its readers free of charge. In the eighteenth issue of the magazine, published in Turkish and English, it guides its readers on many topics such as nutrition suitable for winter, the relationship between cancer and nutrition, heart bypass, peer bullying, cardiac MRI, hygiene habits to be considered in schools, and things to consider when using headphones. Near Health also offers entertaining content to its readers with its culture, art, automobile and travel pages.

Highlights from the 18th issue…
Many topics are discussed in the 18th issue of “Close Health”. Information about the accreditation process that Near East University Hospital received from TEMOS, the Germany-based accreditation organization, was conveyed to the reader. Besides, Near East University Hospital Psychiatrist Dr. Burak Akdöner explains the effects of addiction on daily life, the reasons for its increase and the precautions to be taken in this regard. Near East University Hospital General Practitioner Dr. Ersen Ceylan shared information about “Intensive Care Units” that allow many people to hold on to life again.

Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital Specialist Clinical Psychologist Deniz Aykol Ünal points out that one in every two young people is subjected to peer bullying and gives tips on early detection processes and ways to deal with such situations.

In the culture, arts, automobile and travel sections of the magazine, century-old automobiles, over 100 years old, owned by the Cyprus Car Museum located on the Near East University campus, and the 250 million-year-old geological history of Cyprus, which you can see in the Cyprus Herbarium and Natural History Museum, meet with the readers.

It is also possible to read Near Health Magazine, which is available to its readers free of charge, online from the website of Near East University Hospital.