Red Crescent Club has been founded at Near East University… At an event held by the Club, information on “Nutrition according to blood type” was provided
Date Added: 30 November 2017, 15:03
Last Updated Date:23 November 2020, 13:55

In order to raise Near East University students’ awareness on the significance of donating blood, and encourage regular and voluntary donations to be made, a Red Crescent Club was founded at Near East University.

According to the press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Publıc Relations of Near East University, the Red Crescent Club was founded at the helm of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kaya Süer and NEU Faculty of Dentistry student Tuğbay Oğuz Sezer and the Club mainly aims to support the blood donation need of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Many educative seminars and events will be held at the Club all of which will support the educational process of the Near East University students; helping to raise their awareness on the significance of blood donation and encouraging them to voluntarily continue to donate throughout their life-times.

Near East University Red Crescent Club is currently running raising awareness meetings on Tuesdays each week throughout the academic calendar. It was pointed out that during the last meeting Dietician Bengisu Eken provided the students detailed information on nutrition in according to blood type.

Nutrition plan must be made in accordance with a person’s blood type…

Dietician Bengisu Eken provided details regarding a person’s blood type and style of nutrition with regard to the environment which a person lives in; stressing the strong connection between these concepts. She emphasised the importance of being aware of how compounds as part of nutrition could positively or negatively have an impact on blood. Therefore, she stressed that there is a need for people to reassess their food intake to positively balance their health with regard to nutrition.

Furthermore, she pointed out that beneficial compounds in the blood speeded up the blood flow, and harmful compounds in our blood are transported to our organs; which in return harm the organs and cause various diseases.

Dietician Bengisu Eken expressed that it was also possible to encounter unexpected incidents due to blood types and nutrition in an inappropriate style caused/triggered certain diseases; sometimes seen through ‘intolerance’ or as ‘allergies’. Additionally, Bengisu Eken explained how certain blood types needed to do different types of physical exercises, and that some injuries were caused due to not knowing the ideal nutrition with regard to one’s blood type. Excessive usage of beneficial foods could also harm a person as they could cause hypertention, diabetes, excessiveweight gain and cancer.

It is possible to follow the events held by the club from the social media…

Those who are interested in keeping an eye on the events held by the Near East University Red Crescent Club are advised to follow the social media account of the Club. These are: Instagram:ydu_kizilay, Facebook: Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi Kızılay Kulübü, and Twitter: ydu_kizilay