Patient suffering from throat tumor was treated successfully by laser technique without making an incision at Near East University Hospital
Date Added: 12 January 2016, 16:51
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 11:23

The health of Greek Cypriot patient, whose throat tumor recurred after being operated in the UK five years ago, was restored by endolarengeal LASER Cordectomy treatment at the Near East University Hospital.

63 year old Greek Cypriot patient Solomon Meli applied to Otolaryngology Department of Near East University Hospital with hoarseness complaint some time ago. After biopsy and pathological tests, he was diagnosed with laryngeal papillomatosis, a rare disease characterized by the development of tumors in the larynx, vocal cords or respiratory tract.

According to press release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations Office of Near East University, the operation, which was realized by using laser cordectomy technique without making any incision and lasted approximately an hour, was performed successfully by a very highly trained team consisting of 4 persons including Dr. Remzi Tınazlı and anesthesiologist Feyza Saliha Yaycı under the helm of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Asım Şafak. After the operation, the patient stayed a night at Near East University Hospital and then he was discharged.

Laryngeal Papillomatosis Tumors

Laryyngeal papillomatosis tumor is caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a DNA virus that is capable of integrating human genetics and may lead to cancer. Researches demonstrate that 25% of throat cancers are associated with HPV. Due to the possibility that persistent infection with "high-risk" HPV types may progress to malignant tumors and invasive cancer, regular monitoring, control and treatment is vitally important for laryyngeal papillomatosis tumors.

Symptoms of Throat Cancer

Throat cancer usually occurs in regions close to the vocal cords, so a change in voice may be the first sign of cancer. Trouble in swallowing, unexplained weight loss, swelling in throat region, sore throat and persistent cough, bad smell in breath, difficulty in breathing, wheezing, ear pain, weakness and fatigue are among other symptoms.

If You Suffer from Indefinite Hoarseness Lasting for 2-3 weeks, Consult Your Physician

Underlining that surgical treatment procedure that performed by making an incision increases the possibility of the recurrence of the disease, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Asım Şafak, the Head of Department of Otolaryngology indicated that they carried out the operation without making any incision by using endolarengeal laser cordectomy technique. He suggested that patients with indefinite hoarseness and other symptoms lasting two or three weeks should consult a physician within a short time.