Özay Günsel Children’s University Students recycled water bottles demonstrating environmental consciousness
Date Added: 11 September 2019, 14:43
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 11:54

Özay Günsel Children's University Summer Academic Term Students, the first and only children's university of Cyprus, recycled the plastic bottles of the water they consumed.

Özay Günsel Children's University Summer Academic Period, where President Mustafa Akıncı gave the opening lesson and told students about his childhood memories saying " You will succeed if you want, never give up...", was completed with colorful, fun and experimenting learning programs.

During the Summer Academic Period, where special programs were carried out in accordance with the age groups by professors, associate professors, assistant professors, doctors and other specialized academics, students who discovered their talents in world-class laboratories, art workshops, innovation center and sports tower, were also introduced to environmental awareness.

We want to raise generations sensitive and responsive to environmental issues and nature...
Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli , Rector of Özay Günsel Children's University, attended the 1st International Congress on Environment and Waste Recycling in Istanbul as an invited speaker and voiced the importance of raising environmental awareness saying: "Since coming to the island first time in 2014, I have been asking my students to bring the empty bottles of the water to me (at least 7 bottles) and I give them points for their responsive behavior for protecting the environment. So, we return the used plastic bottles full of a truck to the recycling company. At Özay Günsel Children's University, we conducted a similar social responsibility study with our students, all of whom were smart, charming and responsive. We explained to our students that food and beverage containers are not garbage and that we need to recycle and protect our environment and nature. With the support of the responsible assistant teachers and coordinators of all age groups, our children collected the plastic bottles of the water they drank in green, blue, yellow and orange bags. In particular, we did not use black bags, which were recyclable waste, not garbage, so we tried to create the perception that less plastic could be produced and less harm inflicted on the environment and nature. During the summer academic period, 06-08 age groups (Yellow World, Blue World and Green World), 09-11 age groups (Moon, Sun and Shining Sun), 12-14 Galaxy Group and 15-17 age Universe group students collected the used water bottles and classified them in green, blue, yellow and orange bags and these were delivered to the recycling company before the closing ceremony of the period.”

Rector Prof. Dr. Meriçli stated that Özay Günsel Children's University will continue to work on environmental awareness in order to leave a protected nature and a clean environment to future generations. Prof. Dr. Filiz Meriçli also said "Practical lessons were also given to our students not to waste water and to use electricity carefully".

Prof. Dr. Meriçli also thanked the students and their families for their support for environmental awareness.