On the second evening of the Graduation Festival organized by Near East University with the participation of President Ersin Tatar at MOE Stage, 942 more students from 7 faculties received their diplomas.
Date Added: 26 June 2024, 16:15
Last Updated Date:27 June 2024, 09:23

A total of 1,902 students conferred upon their diplomas in the first two evenings of the Near East University Graduation Festival. At the last ceremony to be held at MOE Stage on Thursday, 537 more students who will graduate from the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy will take their first steps into their professional lives.

The “Graduation Festival”, where students who are eligible to graduate from 20 faculties, 3 colleges and the Graduate Education Institute of Near East University will take their first steps into the future, continues. 1,902 students have had graduation enthusiasm in the first two evenings of the ceremonies held at the MOE Stage established on the campus. With the third and final ceremony to be held on Thursday, all 2,500 graduating students will have received their diplomas.

On the first evening of the ceremonies, 960 graduate students from the Near East University’s Atatürk Faculty of Education, Science and Letters, Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Architecture, Fine Arts and Design, Law, Communication and Theology Faculty have had the joy of graduation with their families. .

At the second ceremony held with the participation of President Ersin Tatar, 942 students who were entitled to graduate from the Near East University’s Nursing, Health Sciences, Sports Sciences, Tourism, Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture faculties and the Vocational School of Health Services received their diplomas.

Before the ceremonies, which were held with the participation of approximately 5 thousand people at MOE Stage, students had fun with live music in the festival area. Afterwards, they continued to experience the joy of graduation with a DJ performance.

The opening speeches of the ceremony, which started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, were delivered by President Ersin Tatar, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Near East University Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel and Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ. On behalf of the graduating Turkish students, Aleyna Birlik, a graduate of the Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Operating Room Services, and on behalf of the international students, Noor Almajzoub, a graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Engineering, expressed their feelings.

Following the speeches, the diploma ceremony was attended by President Ersin Tatar, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel and Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, together with the faculty deans, presenting medals to the graduates who graduated from their faculties with honors.

President Ersin Tatar: “I believe that each of you, with your self-confidence and achievements will lead the world, shape the future of our country and humanity.”
President Ersin Tatar, who started his speech by expressing his satisfaction in being at the graduation ceremony of Near East University, said, “2,500 students of Near East University are graduating with their diplomas and ready to serve society and humanity.”

Stating that TRNC is an island of education, President Tatar said, “The fact that you spent your youth here among various cultures reinforced the quality education you received in cultural richness.” Referring to the success of Near East University in the rankings of Times Higher Education, the international higher education rating agency, President Tatar said, “Near East University was ranked as the 139th best young university in the world. It also ranked third best university in Turkey and first in the TRNC. These achievements are the pride of all of us. They are the key to the future success of our distinguished graduates.”

Addressing the graduates, President Tatar said, “I believe that each of you, with your self-confidence and achievements, will shape the future of our country and humanity and lead the world. Good luck to you all.”

Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “I believe that your efforts and dedication will make great contributions to society and the world in today’s world where information and technology are rapidly developing.”
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Near East University, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel, who started his speech at the 2023-2024 Spring Semester graduation by saying “When I look at these distinguished young people standing before me, I can summarize the picture I see with two concepts: Multiculturalism and diversity. This harmony created by people from various countries and cultures who meet on the campus of our Near East University is of great importance for the future of humanity.”

Reminding Near East University Founding Rector Dr. Suat Günsel’s words “Universities are the weaving looms of society”, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “I feel happy knowing that each of you will turn into unique motifs in your own social fabric. In today’s world where information and technology are rapidly developing, I believe that your work will make great contributions to society and the world. I congratulate you all. May your path be clear and your future be bright.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “To analyze the world, you need to take a broad perspective and go beyond your field.”
Stating that we live in a dynamic world where everything is changing rapidly, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said that thus education should be equipped with competencies.

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “Artificial intelligence technologies, which are developing before our eyes, work very easily and support us in sciences that deal with concrete data, such as science, mathematics and medicine. However, in the near future, it seems that being successful in social sciences will be more important than being successful in science and mathematics.” Emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and analyzing the world, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said, “In order to think critically and analyze the world, you need to have a broad perspective, go beyond your field, and see other gardens.”

Emphasizing that in an age of increasing uncertainty and insecurity around the world, universities play an important role in keeping society alive by improving knowledge, cultural interaction and critical thinking skills. Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ stated that graduates should embrace these values ​​and be ready for the future.

Aleyna Birlik: “Even if our academic process is over, we will continue to improve ourselves and become healthcare professionals who will be beneficial to society.”
Speaking on behalf of the Turkish students, Aleyna Birlik, a graduate of the Vocational School of Health Services, Department of Operating Room Services, said, “We have accumulated very nice memories here. There were many moments when we felt the support of many of our teachers not only academically but also personally.”, and thanked her teachers.

Emphasizing that they have graduated but this is not the end, Aleyna Birlik said, “As we stepped into these distinguished professions, we realized our own potential day by day and gained competence in our profession both theoretically and practically. Even if our academic process is over, we will continue to improve ourselves and become healthcare professionals useful to society.” Emphasizing that diplomas are only for gaining a profession, Aleyna Birlik said, “Beyond the diploma, we must believe that we will gain humanity and do our professions with goodness and conscience.”

Noor Almajzoub: “I know we will use our education to innovate, inspire, and lead with integrity and compassion.”
Expressing her feelings on behalf of international students, Noor Almajzoub, a graduate of the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Food Engineering, started his speech by saying ;”Our journey at Near East University has been an extraordinary adventure that has shaped us in countless ways and prepared us for the challenges and opportunities ahead.”

Noor Almajzoub said, “As a graduate of Near East University, I am excited to step into the future with the knowledge and skills I have acquired and the vision of creating a positive impact in the world.I know that we will use our education to innovate, inspire and lead with honesty and compassion.” Almajzoub also said, “Our time at Near East University did not only give us academic knowledge, but also instilled in us the values​​of perseverance, critical thinking and empathy.” Almajzoub completed his words by saying “As we step into the future, let’s carry these values​​with us and use them to create a better, brighter world.”