On the first day of the Graduation Festival organized by Near East University at MOE Stage, 960 students from 10 faculties threw their caps before a magnificent crowd of 5 thousand people
Date Added: 25 June 2024, 13:25

The “Graduation Festival”, where students who are eligible to graduate from 20 faculties, 3 colleges and the Graduate Education Institute of Near East University will take their first steps into the future, has started. On the first evening of the ceremonies held at the MOE Stage established within the campus, 960 students from the faculties of Near East University’s Atatürk Education, Science and Letters, Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Architecture, Fine Arts and Design, Law, Communication and Theology Faculty. Graduate students experienced the joy of graduation with their families.

Before the ceremony, the graduates had fun with live music in the festival area, and then experienced the joy of graduation with a DJ performance. The ceremony, which was held at MOE Stage and ended with a fireworks show, was held before a magnificent crowd of 5 thousand people.

The opening speeches of the ceremony, which started with the students entering the ceremony area in corteges, were made by Near East Enterprises Board of Trustees Chairman Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel and Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ. Psychology Department graduate Sinem Yıldız expressed her feelings on behalf of the graduating Turkish students, and Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department graduate Kadi Tereka Sadaraka Lubang expressed his feelings on behalf of the international students.

Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel: “I trust in the unique potential that exists within all of you; I know that each of you has the strength and ability to make your dreams come true.”
Near East Enterprises Board of Trustees Chairman Prof. Dr. İrfan Günsel started his speech by saying; “When I look at these distinguished young people standing before me, I can summarize the picture I see with two concepts: Multiculturalism and diversity.” Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “This diversity and harmony also represents the key to the future of humanity.”

Prof. Dr. Günsel said that individuals who receive education in a multicultural environment are more successful and happy in their professional and personal lives, and added”As Near East University, we are proud to host this wealth that adds a lot to our graduates.”

Addressing the graduates, Prof. Dr. İrfan Suat Günsel said, “Wherever you go in the world, take care of each other as members of the Near East Family and always remember that you have a home here.” and expressed his wish by saying “May your path be open and your future be bright.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “You deserved all the values ​​you have and gained them with great effort.”
Basing his speech on the “spirit of the time”, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “We are in a time when borders are blurred and rules are stretched. We see that social state structures and parliaments are weakening, and areas of militarism and conflict are increasing. While crises become permanent, structural problems can no longer be solved. Violence experienced elsewhere reaches us as symbolic violence. We witness that the old is slowly dying but the new is not yet born. Now we need to be stronger and more equipped than ever, and perhaps more alert than ever before.”

Stating that education should be based on merit and that reason and analysis play a critical role in truth, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ emphasized that Near East University has successfully fulfilled its mission of becoming a universal science and culture center in line with these principles.

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ also stated that the architecture and layout of the Near East University were designed to facilitate social interaction and coexistence, and said that in this way, various disciplines came together and interacted successfully.

Addressing the graduating students, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “Life has a unique value. When we know what we want, life will shine upon us. Today, you are leaving this safe haven. You experience the excitement of new beginnings along with the sadness of separation. You deserved all the values ​​​​and earned them with great efforts. “Good luck to you,” he said.

Sinem Yıldız: “No one can do great things alone. Today, here, under the guidance of our teachers, we are all taking our first steps into the profession.”
Expressing her feelings on behalf of Turkish students, Sinem Yıldız, a graduate of the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Near East University, emphasizing that graduating requires effort, work and sacrifice, said, “I congratulate all my friends who graduated. I hope we will continue to progress successfully on the path of science, which our Great Leader Atatürk called my spiritual heritage.”

Stating that she studied determinedly to achieve her goals, Yıldız said, “No one can do great things alone. Today, we are all taking our first steps into the profession under the guidance of our teachers. I would like to thank my teachers for sincerely sharing their valuable experiences and experiences with us.”

Stating that there are psychologists everywhere where human life takes place and drawing attention to the difficulties experienced by her colleagues, Yıldız said, “We urgently need a profession law to protect the rights of psychologists and to avoid problems in the services provided. We hope that the necessary steps will be taken in this regard. May our path be clear.”

Kadi Tereka Sadaraka Lubang: “We pushed each other, supported each other, and learned valuable lessons together. Let’s carry this spirit of friendship and cooperation to the world.”
Speaking on behalf of international students, Kadi Tereka Sadaraka Lubang, a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, said, “I am honored to stand before you today, celebrating not just an achievement but the result of countless efforts.”

Kadi Tereka Sadaraka Lubang thanked their teachers who supported them throughout their education life and said, “We owe deep gratitude to the devoted faculty members who have been with us on this journey, along with you. You encouraged us to think critically, ignited our curiosity and instilled in us a passion for learning that will drive us forever.”

Addressing his fellow graduates by saying ““We pushed each other, supported each other, and learned valuable lessons together. Let’s carry this spirit of friendship and cooperation to the world.” Kadi Tereka Sadaraka Lubang said, “With perseverance, determination and unshakable self-confidence, there is nothing we cannot achieve.”