Occupational Health and Safety Symposium was held at Near East University with the participation of Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu
Date Added: 27 May 2024, 09:34

The “Occupational Health and Safety Symposium”, organized in cooperation with Near East University Vocational School of Health Services Occupational Health and Safety Department and Near East University Faculty of Medicine Department of Public Health, was held with the participation of Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu.

The symposium held at Near East University İrfan Günsel Congress Center carried out with the aim of raising awareness in the field of occupational health and safety, sharing knowledge and experience, and contributing to the development of practices in this field. The opening speeches of the event, which took place with intense participation, were delivered by Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu, Near East University Vocational School of Health Services, Head of Occupational Health and Occupational Safety Department Expert Aziz Gürpınar and Labor Department Director Sezgi Çobanoğlu Ballı.

Occupational health and safety was discussed by experienced experts in the field!

The first session of the symposium, where academicians who are experts on the subject at Near East University touched on important issues, was started by senior lecturer of Public Health Department Prof. Dr. Şanda Çalı’s presentation titled “Dust and its Effects on Health”. In the same session, Vocational School of Health Services, Occupational Health and Safety Department Head, Expert Aziz Gürpınar discussed the subject of “Dust Pollution in Nicosia Furniture Workshops”.

In the second session, Department of Public Health Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Songül Vaizoğlu made her presentation titled “Occupational Health Practices in Schools”. Then, Department of Public Health Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Özen Aşut shared important information about “Occupational Health Practices in Hospitals”. In the question-answer session following the presentations, participants had the opportunity to discuss the topics they were curious about. The symposium ended with the presentation of certificates of appreciation to the participants.

Sadık Gardiyanoğlu: “As long as we comply with the law and act conscientiously, we can move forward on the right way.”

Speaking at the opening of the event, Minister of Labor and Social Security Sadık Gardiyanoğlu emphasized that he gave special importance to occupational health and safety during his ministry and said, “The most important responsibility in life is the signature you will put down. It should not be forgotten that the price of this signature may be a life. No cost is more expensive than a life.”

Stating that occupational safety inspections within the Ministry have been doubled compared to last year, Gardiyanoğlu said that those who do not comply with occupational health and safety rules are given warnings and workplace closure penalties. He also said that they presented certificates of appreciation to businesses that comply with these rules. Gardiyanoğlu said, “It is our duty to reward those who do their job properly,” and announced that they will implement a reward system for incentive. “Careless actions can leave behind a family and people in tears.” Minister Gardiyanoğlu said, and added; “Everyone must protect themselves first.” and added that he never highlighted his political identity during inspections, and that as long as the laws are followed and acts with conscientious awareness, we can move forward on the right path.

Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu: “Prevention is cheaper than treatment!”

In her speech, Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu emphasized the importance of occupational health and safety and its effects on businesses, and stated that work accidents and occupational diseases threaten human life and harm businesses. Stating that Turkey ranks first in Europe and third in the world in terms of fatal work accidents, Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu said, “According to SSI data, 1250 workers lost their lives as a result of work accidents in Turkey last year, and 2850 workers became permanently disabled due to work accidents or occupational diseases.”

Stating that inspection, occupational safety organization and training are of critical importance in preventing work and occupational accidents, Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça Andrieu stated that it is also important to protect employees from occupational diseases and to detect occupational diseases and said, “It should be known that prevention is cheaper than treatment.”

Sezgi Çobanoğlu Ballı: “It should be accepted that occupational health and safety is a priority, not a cost.”

Labor Department Director Sezgi Çobanoğlu Ballı started her speech by stating that occupational health and safety is of vital importance to protect the health of employees and prevent work accidents. Sezgi Çobanoğlu Ballı stated that occupational health and safety has gone through many processes historically and said, “Beyond legal regulations, occupational health and safety is a culture. It is important for employers to adopt this culture. It should be recognized that occupational health and safety is a priority, not a cost. Employers must take responsibility for taking precautions to prevent worker losses.”

Stating that Occupational health and safety practices require cooperation between employers, workers and the state, Sezgi Çobanoğlu Ballı said, “At this point, inspections of the labor office are important. Inspections help increase awareness and contribute to strengthening occupational health and safety awareness. That’s why we fulfill our responsibilities and carry out all the necessary inspections.”

Expert Aziz Gürpınar: “Occupational health and safety is not limited to construction and construction sites.”

“Occupational health and safety is gaining more and more place on the agenda of societies every day. Because human health and life are at the center of these studies.” said Aziz Gürpınar, Near East University Vocational School of Health Services, Head of Occupational Health and Occupational Safety Department. Aziz Gürpınar also stated that the importance and awareness given to this issue has increased with the recent studies.

Expert Aziz Gürpınar emphasized that occupational health and safety is not only about construction. “Occupational health and safety is often associated with the construction sector, as most of the fatal occupational accidents in our country occur in the construction sector. This situation creates the misconception that occupational health and safety is limited only to construction and construction sites. With this symposium, we wanted to remind that this concept actually exists in every aspect of our lives.” Stating that they aim to bring the issue of occupational health and safety to the agenda in different sectors and fields and to raise awareness on this issue, Expert Aziz Gürpınar stated that the regulations on this issue will improve day by day.