Nursing Week is celebrated with events at Near East University, which has the country’s first and only nursing faculty!
Date Added: 17 May 2024, 08:45

Nurses, one of the most important professional groups in the field of healthcare, continue to celebrate “12-18 May Nurses Week”. This meaningful week is also celebrated with events at Near East University, which houses the first nursing faculty of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Near East University, which trains the nurses of the future, also stands out as the strongest address for today’s nurses with its hospitals in Nicosia and Yeniboğaziçi.

The International Council of Nurses organized and celebrated this year’s professional week with the slogan “Our nurses are our future.” The conference organized by the Near East University Faculty of Nursing had a content parallel to the determined theme. Near East University Faculty of Nursing Dean Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal Yılmaz and Near East University Faculty of Nursing Deputy Dean and Assistant Professor of Surgical Nursing Department, Dr. Burcu Totur Dimken spoke on the topics “The Power of Nursing” and “The Economic Power of Care” at the conference.

The event, which was held with intense participation, was attended by Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, Near East University Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Salih Müjdat Balkan and Near East University Faculty of Health Sciences Dean Prof. Dr. Adile Öniz Özgören. At the event held at İrfan Günsel Congress Center, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ also made a short speech and congratulated the nurses.

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “In our Faculty of Nursing, which stands out with our experienced academic staff and the applied training opportunities we offer in our hospitals, our undergraduate and graduate programs have a 100 percent enrollment rate.”

Emphasizing that nurses, who provide vital support in emergency situations as well as the health services they provide, are one of the most respected professional groups, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ congratulated all nurses. Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said that many members of his family are members of the nursing profession and stated that he experienced closely the sacrifices required by the profession.

Reminding that Near East University Faculty of Nursing is the first and only nursing faculty of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ emphasized that it has become one of the most preferred faculties of Near East University in recent years. Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “In our Faculty of Nursing, which stands out with our experienced academic staff and the applied training opportunities we offer in our hospitals, our undergraduate and graduate programs have a 100 percent enrollment rate. This situation is a reflection of our quality in nursing education and confidence in the career opportunities offered by the profession.”

Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal Yılmaz: “I celebrate the day of all nurses and prospective nurses who look with their minds, feel with their hearts, and give life with their knowledge.”

Near East University Faculty of Nursing Dean Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal Yılmaz in her presentation titled “The Power of Nursing”, touched upon important issues regarding the past, present and future of nursing in the national and international arena. Stating that May 12 is celebrated as Nurses Day in all countries to celebrate the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, and to educate nurses on basic subjects. Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal Yılmaz reminded that the week starting on May 12 is celebrated as Nursing Week. Prof. Dr. Yılmaz said, “On this day we celebrate together with all the world’s nurses. I congratulate the day of all nurses and prospective nurses who look with their minds, feel with their hearts, and give life with their knowledge.”

Stating that the nursing profession is among the most popular professions that are needed most to serve humanity, Prof. Dr. Yılmaz said, “Let’s not underestimate the power we have. Strength; it is in the numbers, the associations and the confidence in the extraordinary nature of the work we do.” Prof. Dr. Yılmaz concluded her speech with by saying “I congratulate all our nurses and dear students who practice their profession with endless effort, knowledge and skill without compromising the sanctity of human life, who accept contribution to human life as the ideal of their life and profession and who perform professional nursing services, and I wish them every success in their work.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Totur Dikmen: “Nurses need to be valued and invested in for a sustainable future in nursing and health services.”

Near East University Faculty of Nursing Deputy Dean and Surgical Nursing Department Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Totur Dikmen, in her presentation titled “The Economic Power of Care”, emphasized that nurses should be valued and invested in for a sustainable future in nursing and health services.