Near East University’s graduates received their diplomas at a ceremony attended by President Ersin Tatar.
Date Added: 21 June 2023, 13:03

Graduates of the Near East University Graduate Education Institute received their diplomas at the ceremony held with the participation of President Ersin Tatar. At the ceremony, a total of 419 graduates, 364 of whom are master’s and 55 doctorate students, threw their caps with great enthusiasm.

In the ceremony that started with a moment of silence and the national anthem, a music concert was given by Gözdem İlkay and İmge Dinçer from the Near East University Atatürk Education Faculty Music Teaching Department.

President Ersin Tatar, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, Near East University Graduate Education Institute Director Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Başer and one of the graduates of the night, Çağın Zort, the Private Secretary of the Presidency of the TRNC, Dr. Afaq Al Ramahi and Dr. Olasi and Adoliye Adedoyin made speeches. President Ersin Tatar’s speech received intense applause.

Selahaddin Bayırkan, Chairman of the Board of Cyprus Foundations Administration (EVKAF) and General Manager of the Cyprus Turkish Tobacco Industry, presented her diploma to his daughter Aksanur Bayırkan, who completed her graduate education.

President Ersin Tatar: “In addition to working and producing, another important thing is to walk into the future by adopting lifelong learning.”
President Ersin Tatar started his speech by congratulating the graduates of Near East University and continued by saying “You are now at the beginning of a new era, you are ready for your new life with the experiences and knowledge you have gained”. President Tatar also congratulated Çağır Zort, a graduate of the Near East University Graduate Education Institute, the Private Secretary of the Office of the President’s Office. “Thanks to Çağın Zort, I realized that getting a PhD is a difficult task. You have to work hard and constantly create and produce. And you have completed this difficult path today.”

Emphasizing that success lies in serving humanity, President Ersin Tatar addressed all graduates and reminded that they should work in their new lives not only for their personal success but also to serve humanity and their country.

Stating that the key to success is to work hard, President Ersin Tatar said, “In addition to working and producing, another important thing is to walk into the future by adopting lifelong learning.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “Remember that you graduated from one of the most respected and best universities in the world.”
In his speech, Rector Şanlığda said “Graduation is a special goal reached at the end of a long and difficult journey. I want you to know that I am proud of all of you. However, remember that this goal you left behind is never the end for you. Right now, you are only completing the first of the new achievements you will reach in your life, the new steps you will climb, and I am sure that you will achieve much more.”

“In a changing world, we cannot move forward based on our current knowledge alone. Keep your curiosity alive to discover new ideas, acquire new skills and be open to innovations. Be passionate. Love what you do and move forward with your passion.”

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ further said, “No matter where you are in the world, you are now an integral part of Near East University. Do not forget that you graduated from one of the most respected and best universities in the world” and mentioned about the international achievements of the Near East University.

Addressing the graduates, Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, “Remember that you will assume important roles for the development of the society you live in. You will offer solutions to the problems of humanity and you will constantly renew yourself. I wish you all a successful and always happy future.”

Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Başer: “I congratulate our proud graduates for your success.”
Starting his speech by stating that Near East University Graduate Education Institute provides education to 2.000 students in 90 programs, Near East University Graduate Education Institute Director Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Başer said that in the spring term of 2022-2023, they had a total of 419 graduates, of whom 364 were graduates and 55 were doctoral graduates.

Providing information about the Near East University Graduate Education Institute, Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Başer said, “Institutes are higher education institutions that give undergraduate graduates the opportunity to do MA and PhD degrees. MA and PhD education are prestigious programs that provide undergraduate students with the experience of specialization in their respective branches.

Addressing the graduates, Prof. Dr. K. Hüsnü Can Başer said, “We congratulate our proud graduates for your success; I wish you health, success and happiness in your future lives.”

Çağın Zort: “I am honored and proud to be a student of Near East University, which carries us from undergraduate to graduate, from graduate to doctoral degrees.”
Having completed the doctoral program of the Near East University Graduate Education Institute, Çagin Zort, the Private Secretary of the TRNC Presidency Office, started his speech at the ceremony by emphasizing that he was honored and proud to be a Near Easterner. Saying, “Welcome to the graduation ceremony of Near East University, which carries us from undergraduate to graduate, from graduate to doctoral degrees and I am always proud to be a student of Near East University.”, Zort further said “Beginnings are beautiful, endings are difficult. Meetings are exciting and hopeful, departures are sad.”

Addressing the academics in his speech, Çağın Zort said, “My dear teachers, you are sending us off from here today, conferred upon us master’s and doctorate degrees, to another generation that you embraced us with the compassion of a mother and father, and equipped us with virtue and knowledge. We cannot thank you enough for the guidance, compassion and care you have shown us.”

Calling the graduates, Çağın Zort said, “Since life is your life, it is up to you to think about your future, to take the necessary precautions, and to seek solutions to your problems. Getting a university education is a process of learning to learn. My dear friends! Education is our roadmap and direction for the future. Because the future will belong to those who prepare for it today and shape the future.”

Dr. Afaq Al Ramahi: “The wisdom, mentorship and encouragement of our teachers have been a light on the path that brought us to this important day.”
In his speech, Al Ramahi said, “While celebrating the pinnacle of years of hard work, dedication and perseverance, I am very proud to be with you today. We are here today, announcing the end of a long journey, filled with a great sense of happiness and achievement.

Afaq Al Ramahi expressed his joy by stating that they have benefited from a well-equipped and high-quality infrastructure with the education they received at the Near East University, and said “With countless hours of research, we’ve had success that comes with sleepless nights.”

Stating that the academicians supported them in every aspect during their entire education, Dr. Afaq Al Ramahi said, “Today, as we celebrate our achievements, I would like to thank our academics who played an important role in our success. Their wisdom, mentorship and encouragement have been a light on the path that has brought us to this important day.”

Dr. Afaq Al Ramahi addressed his fellow graduates and said, “As we step into the next chapter of our lives, let’s embrace the relentless search for knowledge, the passion that brought us this far, and our determination to make a difference. Let us embrace all the challenges that lie before us with our courage, stamina and talents.”

Dr. Oasile Adoliye Adedoyin: “We experienced one of the most meaningful and beautiful periods of our lives at the Near East University.”
Starting his speech by mentioning that it is difficult to live away from family, but this difficulty adds a lot to them, Dr. Olasile Adoliye Adedoyin said, “My graduate friends, we understood how difficult it is for us to survive in an environment without our close family and friends. With the opportunities that the Near East University has and offers us, as well as the friendships we have established here, we have easily overcome this difficult process.”

Dr. Oasile Adoliye Adedoyin said that they have improved themselves in every subject during their education at Near East University and said, “There is no doubt that we experienced one of the most meaningful and beautiful periods of our lives at the Near East University. In this process, we watched each other grow and develop in the light of the knowledge of highly qualified educators. Now each of us has an investigative, questioning, determined and constantly renewed spirit.”