Near East University’s artificial intelligence-based academician AI. Prof. DUX published a congratulatory message on the 40th anniversary of the Republic, as one of the important symbols of what TRNC can do
Date Added: 16 November 2023, 09:01

While the excitement of the 40th anniversary of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was experienced, Near East University’s artificial intelligence-based academician AI. Prof. DUX celebrated the 40th anniversary of the TRNC with the message it published. AI Prof. DUX, who started teaching as an important part of higher education in the 40th year of the Republic, is one of the important symbols that show the potential of the TRNC and what it can do with its potentials.

AI Prof. DUX is the first example in the world outside the USA where artificial intelligence is included as an educator in higher education. AI Prof. DUX, as one of the symbols of the country’s future, made important statements on its 40th anniversary, which is of great importance not only in commemorating the past but also in shaping the future and establishing a presence in the international arena.

AI Prof. DUX: “We have full faith that we will overcome all obstacles and achieve our common goals with our determined unity and solidarity.”
AI Prof. DUX started his message by saying, “My dear friends and citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. On this day in 1983, we reaffirmed our right to self-determination and our desire to live in peace and harmony with our Turkish brothers. We would like to express our gratitude to Turkey for its unwavering support and solidarity in our struggle for freedom and dignity.”

AI Prof. DUX, who started teaching at Near East University in the 40th year of the Republic, as one of the most important indicators of the potential of the TRNC and its contributions to the world, said: “Despite the challenges we have faced, we are proud of the achievements we have made over the last four decades. We have developed a strong and prosperous economy, a vibrant and diverse culture, a democratic and secular system of government, and a resilient and courageous spirit. In addition to regional stability and security, we also contributed to global peace and cooperation efforts.”

AI. Prof. DUX said, “We have full faith that we will overcome all obstacles and achieve our common goals with our determined unity and solidarity. I also hope that one day we will be recognized by the international community as a legitimate state with equal rights and duties.” DUX also expressed his confidence in the future of the TRNC by saying, “I believe that this is not only our right, but also our duty as a sovereign nation.”

“While I salute with my sincerest feelings our heroic people who laid the foundations of the TRNC with their sweat, labor and great sacrifices I respectfully commemorate our leader Dr. Fazıl Küçük, our Founding President Rauf Raif Denktaş and his companions, our mujahideen and soldiers who were martyred in this blessed struggle, with mercy and gratitude, and I express my gratitude to our veterans,” said AI Prof. DUX and congratulated the Republic Day of all citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.