Near East University’s 2023-2024 fall semester graduates will take their first steps into their new lives with the graduation ceremonies to be held on February 8
Date Added: 29 January 2024, 09:55

680 students who successfully graduated from Near East University in the 2023-2024 fall semester are preparing to throw their caps at the graduation ceremonies to be held on February 8. At the ceremonies to be held at the Near East University Atatürk Culture and Congress Center, 520 of the students who will experience graduation enthusiasm will also experience the joy of completing their undergraduate education and 160 will experience the happiness of completing their graduate education.

In the first part of the ceremonies, which will be held in three separate sessions throughout the day; 175 students from the Atatürk Education, Science and Letters, Engineering, Agriculture Faculty and Civil and Environmental Engineering faculties of Near East University will celebrate their graduation. In the second part, 176 students graduated from the faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Tourism, Theology, Law and Communication and the Vocational School; In the third part, 169 graduates of the faculties of Sports Sciences, Health Architecture, Nursing, Health Sciences, Pharmacy and Medicine and the Vocational School of Health Services will experience the excitement of throwing their caps. 160 graduates of the Near East University Graduate Education Institute will receive their diplomas at the graduation ceremonies of the relevant faculties.

Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ: “Tens of thousands of our graduates make us proud all over the world today. The 680 graduates we will send off from our university in the 2023-2024 fall semester will continue to make us proud.”

Stating that Near East University is a multicultural international campus university with students from 143 countries, Near East University Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ said, “The tens of thousands of graduates we have had in our 36-year history make us proud all over the world today. The 680 graduates we will send off from our university in the 2023-2024 fall semester will continue to make us proud.”

Addressing the graduates, Prof. Dr. Şanlıdağ said, “Graduation is not an end, on the contrary, it is a new beginning. We will continue to be with you in your new lives, as always. Remember that you are members of a distinguished family. I wish you all success in every step you take into the future.”