Near East University Students visited Telsim as part of the “Young Communicators To Know The Industry” event
Date Added: 04 November 2022, 06:26

Near East University students visited Telsim as part of the “Young Communicators To Know The Industry” event series of the Near East University Faculty of Communication.

In the event carried out to introduce the senior students of the Public Relations and Publicity Department of the Faculty of Communication of Near East University and aimed to to enable them to investigate the corporate management structures on-site and closely observe the corporate functioning, the students were accompanied by the Head of the Public Relations and Publicity Department, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kamil Kanipek and lecturers.

Telsim Management met with Near East University students!
During the visit, Telsim Deputy General Manager Fevzi Tanpınar, Retail Sales Assistant General Manager Sinan Gezen, Network Operations Assistant General Manager Levent Bayram, IT and Value Added Services (VAS) Assistant General Manager Togan Çakmak, Business Continuity Manager Fikret Veysi and Human Resources Manager Emine Lekesiz made presentations to the students.

In the presentations attended by Near East University Communication Faculty Public Relations and Publicity Department students and lecturers, Telsim Deputy General Manager Fevzi Tanpınar gave important information to young communicators about their professional career journey, corporate and social responsibility studies. The executives of Telsim, a Vodafone Group company, shared their professional experiences by making presentations on corporate applications in their field, future technologies and how they shape business life.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dolunay: “We aim to graduate our students ready for professional life by embodying the theoretical education they have received.”
Stating that with the “Young Communicators To Know The Industry” event they organized, they aim to concretize the theoretical knowledge gained by their students in their fields of education by coming together with industry professionals, Near East University Faculty of Communication Deputy Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dolunay said, “One of our most important priorities is to graduate our students ready for professional life. With the strong infrastructure and technological opportunities we have, we aim to develop our students’ visions by bringing them together with professionals, while opening up a wide field of practice in their own fields.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dolunay also thanked Telsim Management, who came together with the students and shared their experiences.