Near East University Students visit the buffer zone for research…
Date Added: 03 June 2019, 08:29
Last Updated Date:18 November 2020, 16:11

Students of Department of Political Sciences and International Relations of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Near East University held a field research to the United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus, which is patrolled by the United Nations, as part of the international organisations module.

According to the press info release issued by the Directorate of Press and Public Relations of Near East University, visiting the buffer zone for field research, the students found the opportunity to comprehend the how international organizations such as the United Nations (UN), function and jurisdiction of UN in Cyprus.

Theoretical Knowledge was revised…
Head of Department of Political Sciences Assoc Prof Dr Nur Köprülü stated that they went to the buffer zone with the students in order to enable them make observations and be informed of how the theoretical knowledge students learn in lessons are applied in international systems, and especially in Cyprus.

In addition to the above, Assoc Prof Dr. Köprülü expressed that they wanted the students to make observations regarding the United Nations Peacekeeping forces, which has been on the island since 1964; and therefore, the students learned about conceptual tools and theoretical approaches in practice.

Assoc Prof Dr Köprülü stated that the field research gave the students the chance to be informed about the functions and jurisdictions of the United Nations, both on the island and globally, as an international establishment that was established in 1945 and has 193 members currently. She said that this visit actually gave the university students coming from different countries around the world with different cultures to achieve different perspectives.

An Interdisciplinary Education-Teaching Policy is Adopted …
Making a statement regarding the matter, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Şerife Z. Eyüpoğlu emphasized the importance of students to have the opportunity to contribute to field research and to recognize international institutions. She added that as a university, they had adopted an interdisciplinary education-teaching policy for the benefit of the students.