Near East University students gifted the educational materials they prepared within the scope of the “Little Geniuses Poster Project” to Necati Taşkın Primary School to be used in science and mathematics courses
Date Added: 20 May 2024, 11:47

The educational materials prepared by the students of the Department of Primary Mathematics Teaching and Classroom Teaching of Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education within the scope of “mathematics and science teaching” courses were gifted to Necati Taşkın Primary School in Nicosia.

The aim was to increase the efficiency in classes with the “Little Geniuses Poster Project”, which aims to help students learn mathematics and science subjects in a creative and fun way. Prospective teachers, who gifted their projects to Necati Taşkın Primary School in Nicosia after being exhibited at their schools, said that they were very happy that the posters they prepared within the scope of the course would be used as teaching materials by primary school students. Necati Taşkın Primary School Principal Feray Konti emphasized that such materials play a critical role in student success and thanked Near East University for this meaningful contribution.

Prof. Dr. Murat Tezer: “Innovative approaches and student-centered teaching methods in education are extremely important.”

Near East University Primary Mathematics Teaching Department faculty member Prof. Dr. Murat Tezer took part in the execution of the project and said, “Innovative approaches and student-centered teaching methods are extremely important in education.” Stating that the aim of the project is to increase students’ motivation and enable them to solve real-life problems more effectively in collaboration, Prof. Dr. Tezer said, “Such activities provide students with the opportunity to experience and understand that mathematics and science much more than an abstract concept. Thus, students not only learn the information but also gain the ability to apply it in their lives. In addition to academic success, this enables them to solve the problems they will encounter throughout their lives more effectively.”